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Become the next big TV channels broadcaster Start the process to get MSO License

MSO is an operator of multiple cable or direct-broadcast satellite television systems. If you have the knack of providing television channels over Digital Addressable Systems , we can get your MSO registration to setup as an MSO.

Get Started!

MSO License process

Step 1
Step 2
Application filing
Step 3
Application Assessment
Step 4
Grant of License

MSO License in India

What is MSO License?

On 1st May 2017, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting launched broadcast SEVA to start entertaining applications for MSO licenses. 

For all Multi-System Operators intending to provide cable television network services on digital addressable systems, obtaining an MSO license or MSO registration online from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is mandatory. 

What is a Multi System Operator?

What would the world be without TV? And, what would a TV be without a good cable service provider? An MSO (Multi Service Operator) is a cable television service operator. It operates multiple cables and direct broadcast satellite television systems – providing the customer with many television channels.

MSO License

Modern and digital India has made becoming a Multi-System Operator a profitable business, but there is a catch. A Multi-System Operator who seeks to provide cable television network services with Digital Addressable Systems has to take an MSO certificate from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB).

The MSO licence registeration process entails many steps, and the time taken to complete the process can take many months. Therefore, you have to search for the right service provider. With Registrationwala, your MSO License search will be over. All you need to do with us is give us your requirements and documents. As for us, we will file your application, attach your documents, and through constant vigilance and strategic implementation of our talents, get your MSO registration on time.

Take the first step towards getting a cable TV MSO certificate license today without hassle.

Eligibility Criteria for MSO Liscense in India

To be able to file the MSO cable operators license application, the eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • If the applicant is a person, they should be at least 18 years old.
  • Suppose the applicant is an association of individuals or a body of individuals (firm, society, or association). In that case, all the members of that association/body of individuals must be at least 18 years old.
  • If the applicant is a company, it should be a company registered under the Companies Act 1956.
  • The applicant shouldn’t be bankrupt, i.e., an undischarged insolvent.
  • The applicant should be of sound mind as declared by a competent court.
  • The applicant must not have been convicted of any criminal offense.

Documents required for MSO License in India

As per the MSO License guide, there are three kinds of MSO license applicants: an Individual, a body/association comprising many individuals, and a registered company. The different documents required by each of these applicants are as follows:



  • Copy of Aadhar or Voter ID card to prove Indian citizenship.
  • Copy of DOB Certificate
  • PAN card copy
  • The latest ITR copy, if filed
  • Copy of Bharat Kosh Challan of INR 1,00,000/-
  • Copy of Aadhar or Voter ID card or Indian passport as residential proof

Net Worth Requirements:

Net worth certificate signed by CA, along with the following documents:

  • Balance Sheet
  • Profit and Loss A/c


  • Copy of authorization letter if the individual is hiring someone to file the application on their behalf.
  • Copy of the undertaking on INR 10 stamp paper.

If not a Cable Operator:

If the applicant is already a cable operator:

  • Copy of post of office registration
  • Copy of GST registration
  • Copy of Entertainment tax registration, if applicable, in the area the individual operates.
  • List of local cable operators covered
  • List of local/ground channels carried by the applicant’s cables
  • List of mandatory channels carried by the applicant’s cables.
  • List of permitted satellite channels carried by the applicant’s cables.
  • List of agreements signed with the broadcasters.

If a Cable Operator:

If the applicant is not already a cable operator:

  • Copy of GST registration, if available. Otherwise, the applicant has to apply for
  • GST registration and present a copy of the receipt of that application.
  • Copy of Entertainment tax registration, if applicable, in the area the individual operates. If applicable, but the registration is not present, then the applicant has to apply for entertainment tax registration and present a copy of the receipt of the application.

Application submission:

  • Within 15 days of filing the online application, the following documents have to be sent to the Ministry of information and broadcasting:      
    • Undertaking in a 10 rupee stamp paper.
    • Affidavit for provisional registration on a 10 rupee stamp paper.
  • Receipt of the MSO license cost. 

Association or Body of Individuals


  • Copy of Partnership Deed/Society/Association Registration
  • Copy of Aadhar or Voter ID card of each individual of the body/association to prove Indian citizenship.
  • Copy of DOB Certificate of each individual
  • Copy of PAN Card of Firm/Society/Association.
  • Copy of Aadhaar Card or Voter ID Card or Indian Passport of each individual as proof of residential address.

Net worth requirement:

  • Copy of Net worth Certificate of the Firm/Society/Association, duly Signed by CA, along with the below documents   
    1. Balance Sheet Profit & Loss A/c
    2. Copy of PAN card of each individual.
  • Copy of latest Income Tax Return, if filed.
  • Copy of Bharat Kosh Challan as proof of payment of Rs. 1,00,000/- processing fee.

Letter of Authorization:

  • Copy of authorization letter for the person authorized to correspond on behalf of the Firm/Society/Association.
  • Copy of undertaking on Rs. 10/- Stamp paper as per Form 2

If a Cable Operator:

In case of existing cable operator:

  • Copy of a valid Post Office registration
  • Copy of a Service Tax registration.
  • Copy of an Entertainment Tax registration if the same is payable in his area of operation.
  • List of Local Cable Operators covered.
  • List of subscribers covered.
  • List of registered cable TV MSOs in India
  • List of Ground-based/Local Channels being carried.
  • List of mandatory channels being carried.
  • List of permitted Satellite channels being carried. (ix) Copies of Agreements signed with broadcasters.

If not a Cable Operator:

In case the applicant body/association is not an existing cable operator:

  • Copy of a Service Tax registration, if available. Otherwise, copy receipt of acknowledgement of the applied application for Service Tax registration.
  • In case the Entertainment Tax is payable in your area of operation, a copy of an entertainment Tax registration, if available. Otherwise, a copy of the receipt of acknowledgement of the applied application for Entertainment Tax registration.

Application submission:

Originals of the following must be submitted by speed post within 15 days after the final submission of the application online:

  • Undertaking on Rs. 10/- Stamp paper.
  • Affidavit for Provisional Registration on Rs. 100 /-Stamp paper.
  • After dispatching the original affidavits by speed post, mention the details of the speed post number date and also upload a scanned copy of the acknowledgement in the online portal.
  • Receipt of the MSO license cost.


  • Copy of Certificate of Incorporation under the Companies Act, 1956.
  • Copy of PAN Card of Company.
  • Copy of PAN Card of each Director of the Company.

Net worth requirements:

Copy of Networth Certificate of the Company, duly Signed by CA, along with below documents:     

  • Balance Sheet
  • Profit & Loss A/c
  • Copy of Bharat Kosh Challan as proof of payment of Rs 1,00,000/- processing fee.
  • Copy of authorization letter for the person authorized to correspond on behalf of the company.
  • Copy of latest Income Tax Return, if filed
  • Copy of undertaking on Rs. 10/- Stamp paper as per Form 2

If a Cable Operator:

In the case of an existing cable operator:

  • Copy of a valid Post Office registration
  • Copy of a Service Tax registration.
  • Copy of an Entertainment Tax registration if the same is payable in his area of operation.
  • List of Local Cable Operators covered
  • List of Subscribers covered.
  • List of Ground-based/Local Channels being carried.
  • List of mandatory channels being carried.
  • List of permitted Satellite channels being carried.
  • Copies of Agreements signed with broadcasters.

If not a Cable Operator:

In case of not an existing cable operator:

  • Copy of a Service Tax registration, if available. Otherwise, copy receipt of acknowledgement of the applied application for Service Tax registration.
  • In case the Entertainment Tax is payable in your area of operation, a copy of an Entertainment Tax Registration, if available, otherwise copy of the receipt of acknowledgement of the applied application for Entertainment Tax registration.
  • Copy of Articles of Association.
  • A copy of the Memorandum of Association (MoA)
  • Copy of Aadhaar Card or Voter ID Card or Indian Passport as proof of residential address of each Director of the Company.
  • Copy of Date of Birth Certificate of each Director of the Company
  • Application  submission:
  • Originals of the following must be submitted by speed post within 15 days after the final submission of the application online: 
    1. Undertaking on Rs. 10/- Stamp paper.
    2. Affidavit for Provisional Registration on Rs. 100/- Stamp paper.
  • After dispatching the originals affidavits by speed post, mention the details of the speed post number date and also upload a scanned copy of the acknowledgement in the online portal.
  • Receipt of the Multiple System Operator MSO license cost

Process of getting Assistance from our MSO License in India

You need to consider the following points before going through the WPC. Go to the Broadcast Sewa Portal and complete the MSO registration online application.

  • Attach the required documents and submit the application.
  • File an undertaking in Form 2 on a Stamp paper of Rs. 10.
  • Go to Bharat Kosh and pay the processing fee. You’ll receive a challan. Get its printout.
  • Send the undertaking and the Bharat Kosh Challan via speed post to the Ministry of Information and broadcasting within 15 days of submitting the online application.

Our Assistance in filing the MSO License in India

We provide end to end Assistance for MSO License needs

  • We file your application for the license in the MSO application form.
  • We submit the application
  • We do a follow-up with the Telecommunication Engineering Centre
  • We conduct all the certification matters

Simply put, we guide your hand through each and every step of MSO License in India. Reach out to us if you seek to become a broadcaster in India.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs About MSO License

Q.1) What is the MSO full form?

A. All MSO full form is Multi-System Operator.

Q.2) When did the MSO License in India start?

A. On 1st May 2017, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting launched broadcast SEVA to start entertaining applications for MSO licenses. 

Q.3) What is an MSO cable operator in India?

A. What is MSO in cable tv? For all Multi-System Operators intending to provide cable television network services on digital addressable systems, obtaining an MSO license or MSO registration from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is mandatory. 

Q.4) What is a Multi System Operator?

A. An MSO (Multiple System Operator) is a cable television service operator. It operates multiple cables and direct broadcast satellite television systems – providing the customer with many television channels.

Q.5) What is an MSO license?

A. Modern and digital India have made becoming an MSO service provider a profitable business, but there is a catch. A Multi-Service Operator who seeks to provide cable television network services with Digital Addressable Systems has to take the license for a cable tv MSO in India from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB).

Q.6) Why is it tough to get an MSO in cable TV license, and how can we avail help for getting the license for MSO cable operator in India?

A. The MSO license registration process entails many steps, and the time taken to complete the process can take many months. Therefore, you have to search for the right service provider. With Registrationwala, your MSO License search will be over. All you need to do with us is give us your requirements and documents. As for us, we will file your application, attach your documents, and through constant vigilance and strategic implementation of our talents, get your MSO registration on time.

Q.7) What preconditions must be satisfied by the applicant before applying for the MSO TV license?

A. To be able to file the MSO India license application, the eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • If the applicant is a person, they should be at least 18 years old.
  • Suppose the applicant is an association of individuals or a body of individuals (firm, society, or association). In that case, all the members of that association/body of individuals must be at least 18 years old.
  • If the applicant is a company, it should be a company registered under the Companies Act 1956.
  • The applicant shouldn’t be bankrupt, i.e., an undischarged insolvent.
  • The applicant should be of sound mind as declared by a competent court.
  • The applicant must not have been convicted of any criminal offense. 

Q.8) What are the required documents for applying for MSO License in India?

A. As per the MSO Licensing guide, there are three kinds of MSO license applicants: an Individual, a body/association comprising many individuals, and a registered company. The documents required by each applicant are detailed in the documentation section. 

Q.9) What is the process of getting an MSO License in India?

A. You need to consider the following points before going through the WPC. Go to the Broadcast Sewa Portal and complete the MSO registration application online.

  • Attach the required documents
  • Submit the application.
  • File an undertaking in Form 2
  • Go to Bharat Kosh and pay the processing fee.
  • You’ll receive a challan. Get its printout.
  •  Send the undertaking and the Bharat Kosh Challan to the Ministry within 15 days of application submission.

Q.10) How can Registrationwala help you in getting the MSO license in India?

A. We provide end to end Assistance for MSO License needs:

  • We file your application for MSO License
  • We submit the application
  • We do a follow-up with the Telecommunication Engineering Centre
  • We conduct all the certification matters


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