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Get ISP License and become an Internet Service Provider in India

Choose the size of area in which you want to provide internet services. Then reach out to Registrationwala and get assistance for everything from ISP license documents to obtaining the unified license.

Price Starts RS @ 55,000 /-

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ISP License Process

Step 1
Furnish Documents
Step 2
File the application
Step 3
Wait for application's analysis
Step 4
Get Letter of Intent
Step 5
Fulfil the requirements
Step 6
Get ISP License

ISP License in India

ISP License full form is Internet Service Provider License is the permission to start and ISP to provide internet access to the people or businesses. The license, in all its ISPs License types is issued by the Department of Telecommunication. It’s because can only operate if it adheres to ISP guidelines.

To put it in simple terms, ISP License meaning the license to setup an ISP company and provide internet services.

So, if you want to count yourself in the big Internet Service Provider List, you should move forward and start the process to get ISP certificate in India. Connect with Registrationwala consultants to get your Certificate as soon as possible!

What is an ISP?

An ISP is a company that acts as an Internet Service Provider. It’s operation is to buy bandwidth from the telecom companies and providing internet subscribers with internet access.

To conduct that operation, it has to get issued an ISP License in India from the Department of Telecommunication. The license issued is the called the Unified ISP License, and the ISP License cost that it has to pay differs from the categories of ISP License India.

Types of ISP License in India?


The different types of ISP Licence depends upon the size of the area in which you want to provide your internet services. It is divided in the 3 categories depending upon the regions in which the internet service can be provided. Each ISP License category that has been listed here also gives you an insight into the ISP license price:

1. ISP License category A: 

Class A ISP License is meant for ISPs that want to provide internet service all over the country. 

2. ISP License Category B:

If one is looking for ISP category B license India,  then it is meant for ISPs that want to provide internet services in 20 territorial regions.

3. ISP License Category C:

Class C ISP License or ISP C License is meant for ISPs that seek to provide internet service in any secondary switching area of Department of Telecommunication (DOT).  It’s the ISP category C license that’s the most sought after because the affordable nature of the  isp license c class fees

ISP License Governmental Fees

Check the table below to get the exact information pertaining to the ISP license fee in India as per the different categories i.e. unified license ISP category A, Unified license ISP category B and Unified license ISP category C.


ISP Entry Fees in Rupees

PBG In Rupees

FBG In Rupees

Application Process Fee in Rupees

ISP category A (National Area)

30 Lakhs

02 Crore

10 lakhs


ISP category B (Telecom Circle/ Metro Area)

2 lakhs

10 lakhs

1 Lakh


ISP category c (Secondary Switching Area)






Eligibility Criteria for ISP License in India 

The applicant of the ISP License should be an incorporated company registered under the Companies Act 1956 and the Companies Act 2013.

Documents Required for ISP Registration in India 

In this section, we are going to dive deep into the ISP License requirements. They are mandatory documents for ISP license to carry your internet service providing business in peace

Two application forms for unified license in the prescribed format: One ISP License form application has to be filed and submitted to the DOT and another has to be kept for receiving purposes. As you’re filling the application, dot forget to read the DOT ISP guidelines.

Certificate Of Incorporation of the Company: One of the main eligibility criteria of starting an ISP is registering a company.

Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the company: In the former document, it should be specified that becoming an internet service provider is the object of your company.

Processing fee (Non refundable): The fee receipt vary for each category. It’s going to be least for ISP license category C fees, but most for category A ISP.

Power of attorney by resolution of board of directors: It’s through this document that you delegate the task of filing the ISP license application to us. Furthermore, it also gives us the power to monitor ISP license status and sorting out any issues of TRAI ISP License.

Details of the directors/promoters/shareholders of the company: You have to provide all the details precisely in the way that’s intended to get UL ISP License. In this case, you have to create a specialized document that acts as an information sheet of all the directors, promoters and shareholders.

Certificate of total equity detail: It’s the document that proves that you’re financially capable of handling your business as an Internet Service Provider. 

Foreign equity approval certificate by the government of India: In case the Foreign Direct Investment or FDI in your company exceeds 49 percent, you have to attach the foreign equity approval certificate along with the application.

Address of the registered office: Also provide the address of the registered office of your ISP company.

Board resolution regarding statutory auditor appointment: You’d have to appoint a statutory auditor responsible for auditing the balance sheets of your ISP company. Attach the documents regarding that as well.

Process of Obtaining ISP Certificatein India

In this section, we give you an answer to your question of how to get Internet Service Provider license. The ISP registration procedure in India, like any other government oriented process, requires you to have an key eye for regulations. Which in this case means internet service provider license regulations.

  • Check eligibility of the license: To become eligible, you first need to establish a private or a public limited company.
  • Choose the suitable license category:  Check among the previous DOT ISP License list and see what category suits your goals, and your budget.
  • Choose a telecom provider that can provide you the bandwidth that you can resupply: Once you get in touch with such a service provider, you’d have to sign an DOT ISP license agreement with him. To get more info on that, checkout our ISP License agreement format.
  • Get the documents ready for ISP license apply: Get ready with the required documents for internet ISP License. It would not include the DOT ISP License agreement that’s mentioned above, but it would contain the documents we have discussed in the previous section.
  • File the Unified license application or ISP License application (both are the same): Once you’ve gathered all the required information and documents for your application process, you can proceed submitting the
  • Document review by the department of telecommunication: Once the document is received by the department, the application will begin being assessed. It’s at this stage that it’s decided that  whether your application would make it to the ISP license list or not. It’s at this stage our experts repeatedly check the state of the application. They know how to check internet service provider license in India.
  • Obtain letter of Intent and submit the documents mentioned in the letter: Once your application is accepted, even the internet service provider license agreement, the department will send the Letter of Intent to you. It’s at this stage you’ll have to pay the bank guarantees depending on your license. Once you do, send the ISP bank guarantee to the department. The ISP bank guarantee format can’t be anything, you have to stick to the format prescribed.
  • Get the ISP License DOT: Once your letter of intent is duly submitted, You’ll receive the ISP License DOT.

Our Assistance to file the ISP License in India 

Our services don’t stop at just providing you with the license. We also provide specific services in surrendering your license is on your mind. Through ISP license surrender, you can shut down your business with dignity. Or if you’re looking for cheaper options, you can obtain ISP VNO License.

Regardless of your requirements, we assure you that our experts are going to bring together our expertise and dedication to get you placed on the unified ISP license list.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What is ISP License?

A. ISP License is the authorization to set up an Internet Service Provider from the Department of Telecommunication.

Q 2. How to get ISP License?

A. To get internet service provider license, you must apply for a unified license to the Department of Telecommunication.

Q 3. How to apply for a class C ISP License?

A. To apply for class C ISP License, you need to specify class C is the Unified License application form.

Q 4. How to check ISP License in India?

A. To check ISP License, you can use the ISP License number on the official saralsanchar portal.

Q 5. Why ISP is needed?

A. ISP or Internet Service Providers are important for India because they are the forebearers pushing India's telecommunication sector to the next level.

Q 6. What are the documents required for ISP License?

  1. Certificate of incorporation

  2. Memorandum of Association

  3. Articles of Association

  4. Net worth certificate

  5. Blue print of the ISP

  6. Network plan of the ISP

  7. Description of the ISP business

  8. List of directors

  9. List of shareholders

  10. Shareholding pattern of the company

Q 7. How to start an Internet Service Provider business in India?

A. To start an Internet Service Provider business in India, you have to take the following steps:

  1. Start a company

  2. Furnish the documents

  3. Fill out the application form for the ISP License

  4. Comply with the requirements of letter of intent

  5. Sign the ISP license agreement

  6. Start your Internet Service Provider business

Q8. What is the role of internet service provider?

A. The role of an internet service provider is to purchase bandwidth from the National Long Distance Service providers, distributing the bandwidth among the subscribers to provide ISP services, and maintaining high quality of internet services at all times.

Q 9. Which is the most affordable ISP License in India?

A. Class C ISP License is the most affordable ISP License in India.

Q 10. What is the validity of the ISP License?

A. An ISP License is only valid for a span of 20 years. 

Q 11. Can I renew my ISP License?

A. Yes, after 20 years, you must renew your ISP License in India.

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