Prove that your lab test results are accurate

ISO-17025 certification shows the quality management system associated with your laboratory. This standard sets forth some standards that show the technical competence associated with the lab testing. If you own an industry that partakes with testing, then get in touch with Registrationwala and apply for the certification.

Price Starts RS @ 17,998 /-

Want to know More ?

ISO 17025 Certification

Step 1
Step 2
Application filing
Step 3
Application Assessment
Step 4
Grant of ISO Certification

What is ISO 17025 Certification in India?

ISO 17025 Accreditation

Do you own a laboratory? If you do, then in order to get ahead in business, you need to show off that the results of your labs are true and in accordance to the standards that have been set up by the ISO. This certification is what defines ISO-17025. Here, the tests results of your labs are going to be compared with the international standard.

With this certification, you can prove to the businesses and the customers that your test results have the maximum amount of accuracy.

Are you looking for ISO 17025 Certificate? If you are, then you should get in touch with our experts and we will avail you the same.

Benefits of ISO 17025 Certification


  1. The credibility of your laboratory grows even further

  2. Your reputation as a laboratory will grow even further.

  3. Following the standard will increase the efficiency of your laboratory.

  4. The more accurate your readings, the more clients trust you.

  5. With more quality management of the laboratory’s processes, you have a way to expand your business.

Eligibility Criteria for ISO 17025 Certification  in India

Before applying for ISO 17025 Certification, you must adhere to the points specified ISO 17025 standards. For that purpose, you need to train your organization as per this standard.

Documents Required for ISO 17025 Certification  in India

The Documents that are required to file the application for ISO 17025 Certification are as follows:

  1. The copy of the PAN card

  2. A Passport Sized photograph

  3. A copy of the Voter Identity Card (that would be your address proof)

  4. Two copies of the sales or purchase bill that is done by your company.

  5. Policy document pertaining to the test methodology you implement at your laboratory. Provide the details of the machinery present in the lab.

Process of obtaining the ISO 17025 Certification in India

  1. Gathering the documents

  2. Submitting the application for ISO 17025 Certification

  3. Letting the application and the procedure document be assessed by an auditor

  4. Obtain the Certification if the auditor agrees


Registrationwala will assist you through the filing and the registration process and providing you the certification.

Our Assistance to get the ISO 17025 Certification  in India

 Registrationwala can assist you with the registration by providing you the following services:

  1. Selection of certification type

  2. Document aggregation

  3. Draft approval

  4. ISO 17025 Certification. 

Improve the energy efficiency of your business. Show that your lab provides precise results as per the international standards by getting ISO 17025 Certification with the aid of Registrationwala.

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