Get your EPR License for Waste Management

In order to get EPR Authorization, to manufacture or import electronics, plastic, and other wastes, you have to show that you can handle the resulting waste. The EPR License or Waste Management License or EPR Registration certificate is issued by CPCB to support the environmentally sound management of waste.

Want to know More ?

EPR Certificate Registration Process

Step 1
Step 2
Application filing
Step 3
Application Assessment
Step 4
Grant of EPR Certificate

EPR Certificate in India

The EPR Certificate full form is Extended Producer Responsibility Certificate, which is important for producers, manufacturers, brand owners and importers of waste in India. It follows an environmental and economical approach to recycling waste products. Now before explaining EPR further, let’s first understand what waste means.

Waste refers to a product that is unwanted, not working, and nearing or at the end of their useful life. The proper management of waste products is a must. The process of waste management includes disposing of waste in a manner that doesn't have any negative impact on the environment. For a technological waste management license, the waste should be recycled, which includes the following:

  • Personal computers

  • Laptops

  • Battery

  • Chargers

  • Mini Computers

  • Mainframe

  • Washing Machine

  • Products that have an Electrical Circuit in them

What Does an EPR Certificate Mean?

An EPR Certificate is required by the business which deals with waste and the company works as an waste management company, a business that specifically manages recycling of waste.

The EPR certificate for import in India is required for those businesses that import waste from other countries to India. In this, the companies must go through the legal procedure for seeking Extended Producer Responsibility Authorization. The EPR License process is jarring and, if not handled correctly, can take a long time. But you don't have to worry about taking on that challenge alone. Registrationwala is a team of business registration experts who have helped many get their EPR Licenses.

To obtain the license, you must dispose of the waste as per the guidelines set by the Central Pollution Control Board. Once you comply with all the guidelines, the authority will issue you a Waste Management or EPR License.

Types of EPR Certification

Waste segregation leads to not just disposing of the wastes but their recycling. By collecting waste and churning out its usable parts, you contribute to the non-renewable resources of the country. 

Types of EPR Certification

Extended Producer Responsibility registration allows the manufacturer to manage one of the biggest issues which is waste management. Waste management done is in different ways, similarly, the types of EPR certification also vary. Below are the different types of EPR certifications:

Benefits of EPR Certificate Registration in India

Extended Producer's Responsibility registration has many benefits associated with it:

Benefits of EPR Certificate registration in India

  • Electronic Waste Treatment: The EPR issuing Authority provides guidelines on how e-waste should be treated. It will create a lesser negative ecological impact on our environment.

  • Curb on Plastic Pollution: The EPR registration certificate for plastic waste can curb plastic pollution. So, an EPR certificate for plastic waste is essential if plastic is the primary raw material in your product.

  • Product-building Using Renewable Sources: It's not just the producer. It's also the product. The EPR product responsibility pushes you to make a better product using renewable resources.

  • Additional BIS for EPR: Much like the BIS certificate, the EPR certificate sets the standards for manufacturing. So, BIS & Extended Producer Responsibility certificates both are equally important.

  • Inspiration for Others: Become an inspiration with EPR. The world needs to be inspired, and like the DELL EPR certificate, you can make your mark too. CPCB Extended Producer Responsibility registration leads to EPR in Waste Management, and in the end, it does matter.

Importance of Waste Segregation

Waste segregation leads to not just disposing of the electronic/plastic/used oil/tyre wastes but also their recycling. By collecting waste and churning out its best and most usable parts, you can breathe life into a world already facing a shortage of non-renewable resources.

EPR Registration means to you more than anything if you're a manufacturer or producer. It means that you don't only provide the products, but you also care for the environment. This care factor would work in your favour in a world where people are looking for someone who can empathize with the world's tribulations. If by chance you hit the realization of the same, we will be there, waiting for you to help you gain the EPR authorization.

Eligibility Criteria for EPR License in India

The following are the entities that must registered on the centralised portal to get the Extended Producer Responsibility certificate for Waste Management:

  • Producer (P)

  • Importer (I)

  • Brand owner (BO)

  • Plastic Waste Processor engaged in (a) recycling, (b) waste to energy, (c) waste to oil, and (d) industrial composting.

The eligibility criteria for these entities are as follows:

  • Anyone related to the electronics/plastic/battery/tyre manufacturing or importing industry and is an importer.

  • Only entities engaged in plastic waste processing such as recycling, co-processing, waste to energy, and waste to oil have to be registered as PWPs.

  • PIBOs which are operational in one or two states/UTs are required to register with the concerned SPCB/PCC.

Documents Required for EPR License in India

The following are the documents required to acquire the Extended Producer Responsibility certificate:

  • Company’s PAN, CIN & GST.
  • Authorized person PAN & Aadhaar.
  • Registration document in case of renewal (if applicable).
  • Details (type &  quantity) of products produced/marketed.
  • Representative picture of Plastic packaging (Plastic packaging covering different EPR categories).
  • Registration Certificate of District Industries Centre of the State Government or Union Territory (if applicable).
  • Import-Export Code (IEC) if available.
  • Scanned copy of the authorized person's signature.


Process of obtaining the EPR License in India

To get the EPR certificate, apply for it using the steps given below

this is a process of obtaining to get  an epr certificate in India

1. Assess the Registration Requirements

Understand the requirements of the EPR pollution Certificate via reading the EPR certificate format.

2. Documents Compilation

Prepare and Gather the complete Documentation as detailed in the previous section.

3. EPR Application Filing

Filing the EPR certificate online application along with the required documents. Then, Submit the application to the CPCB office along with the EPR certificate cost. The online EPR registration form required to fill in this step would entail many nuanced details. This is why ensure you have an expert on the speed dial.

4. CPCB Assessment of Application

Wait for the central board to assess EPR registration online application. And if any issues are raised, discrepancies will be rectified.

5. Reception of the Authorized Letter

Get the EPR certificate or the waste Management authorization letter. It only happens if you've filed the EPR pollution certificate correctly and have paid the required EPR registration fees.

6. Post-registration Compliance

Whether you're a manufacturer, producer or someone seeking EPR registration for import, the process shall remain the same. Once you acquire the EPR certificate, you must be careful about waste. The Extended Producer Responsibility guidelines define that plastic can't be disposed of quickly, unlike other resources. For it, recycling is the only option.

Our Assistance in getting the EPR License in India

We provide end to end Assistance for services related to the Extended Producer Responsibility certificate:

  1. We file your application
  2. We accumulate your documents
  3. We conduct a thorough follow up
  4. We ensure that you get your EPR certificate on time

If you're an manufacturer or an importer, you must obtain an Extended Producer Responsibility certificate on a mandatory basis. Contact us today if you wish to protect the environment while manufacturing or importing products.


Q. What is the EPR certification cost?

A. The EPR application fee for securing EPR registration certificate depends on whether you are a producer, brand owner, importer or manufacturer. Consult with Registrationwala for know the exact fee structure.

Q. What is renewal fees of EPR certification?

A. The renewal fee is the same as the registration fee. Also, the annual processing fee is 25% of the application fee.

Q. What is the EPR liability associated with third-party manufacturers of products?

A. If the third party does not have a brand name associated with them, the EPR liabilities are to be taken by the concerned Brand Owners/Producers to whom the product is being sold.

Q. What is a CPCB registration certificate?

A. You must dispose of the waste per the guidelines set by the Central Pollution Control Board. And once you show that you can, you're granted the Waste Management or EPR License.

Q. What is Post-consumer plastic packaging waste?

A. Post-consumer plastic packaging waste means plastic packaging waste generated by the end-use consumer after the intended use of packaging is completed and is no longer being used for its intended purpose.

Q. What is the EPR authorization registration number?

A. The EPR number is the registration code allocated to the EPR applicant upon its successful certification with the Authority. It is mentioned on the EPR registration certificate.

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