After getting ETA, import license remains

After you have obtained the equipment type approval from the Wireless Planning Commission, you need to take a step further to use it to acquire the importing rights. Registrationwala can help you get an import license from WPC.

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Import License WPC Process

Import License by WPC in India

What is WPC?

WPC License, full form, Wireless Planning & Coordination license is the license to import and sell wireless products. Issued by the Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing, a part of the Department of Telecommunication, it's a non-optional license.

There is a rapid increase in the presence of wireless products these days. Even though we are moving towards a self-reliant India, there are some products from foreign lands that cannot always be replaced. We are talking about quality wireless products. Due to these international products, things have become more affordable for the common consumer. So, if you're a purveyor of wireless products and are looking for a WPC ETA certificate, wait no more.

ETA Approval

WPC certificate full form Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing certification is the required authorization for any business individual who seeks to manufacture, import, sell or use wireless Equipment. As a business owner, you get this Equipment Type Approval  (ETA) from the WPC wing. It's a part of the Department of Telecommunications that oversees Frequency Spectrum Management (FSM). WPC provides approval through ETA, Network or Non-Network, and DPL or NDPL Licenses.

How to get WPC ETA approval in India?

The primary procedure for getting the ETA approval or WPC ETA approval in India differs based on whether the manufacturer is domestic or foreign:

  • Only an Authorized Indian Representative (AIR) can apply for foreign manufacturers.
  • For a domestic manufacturer, ETA is required if the wireless product it manufactures works in delicensed bands. 

Such a requirement makes getting approval a complex process. The application process alone is cumbersome, but when you combine it with the constant vigilance, AIR requirement, and the number of trips required to the department, the prospect of getting a WPC ETA License can be demoralizing.

How to get WPC ETA approval in India?

Import License from the WPC

After you've obtained the Equipment Type Approval from the Wireless Planning and Coordination, a wing of the Department of Telecommunication, you don't get the full authorization to import the wireless product. 

For that purpose, you need to reach out to the Regional Office of WPC in your region and obtain the Import License from WPC. Registrationwala, with the aid of our experts, can assist you in this matter.  

Eligibility Criteria for Import License WPC in India

Only those with the ETA license are eligible for an import license by WPC.

Documents required for import license WPC in India

Documents required for import license WPC in India

Following are the documents required for import license by WPC:

  • Certificate of incorporation
  • Copy of ETA approval
  • Letter authorizing the AIR
  • Specification of the product
  • Test report of the product

Process of getting Import License WPC in India

Process of getting Import License WPC in India

The process to obtain an Import License by WPC is as follows:

  1. File the application
  2. Submit the application and the documents to the regional office
  3. Monitor the assessment
  4. Obtain the Import License 

Our Assistance in getting you the Import License WPC in India

Registrationwala provides end-to-end Assistance in the matter of Import license by WPC

  • Application filing
  • Documentation 
  • Department follow up

If you're looking for complete help with an Import license by WPC, reach out to us.


Q. What is the WPC certificate for Import?

A. The WPC import license certificate is a legal permit from the WPC wing of the Department of Telecommunications to import telecom equipment for telecommunications business usage.

Q. Is it mandatory to get the WPC license for import services?

A. Yes, the Department of Telecommunications mandates the acquisition of the WPC license import for Telecom Businesses.

Q. Is WPC certification for Import Licenses necessary?

A. Yes

Q. Is there a WPC exemption list in India?

A. Yes, you can check out the exemption list on the official website of the WPC wing of the DoT.

Q. What is the ETA full form in customs?

A. The WPC approval ETA full form is Equipment Type Approval.

Q. What is the WPC full form in customs?

A. Wireless Planning and Coordination

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