What is BEE Certification in India?
BEE certification is provided by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency of India to the manufacturers of electronic and electrical appliances. It does so by rating the energy efficiency of appliances and then giving them the BEE energy rating in the Bureau of Energy Efficiency certification.
India, the fastest growing economy in the world, has many consumers of electrical appliances. Due to it, at the beginning of the year 2000, there was a rapid rise in the number of available brands. It confused the Indian customer, and he asked, "Who should I buy from?". Bureau of Energy Efficiency registration was born to help them make that choice and watch over the energy consumption intensity in the Indian economy, Bureau of Energy Efficiency registration was born. They did it by providing consumers access to star-rated appliances.
Bureau of Energy efficiency star label was born in 2002 under Conservation Act, 2001. Its objective was to watch over the impact on energy consumption of the Indian economy. It also served a secondary purpose of giving a star rating so that people can have a choice of energy-efficient products. It does so by testing the products as per the BEE energy efficiency standards that it has set up.
As per the provisions, the BEE certification in India has been made mandatory for 10 appliances. Also, the BEE certification has been made voluntary for the rest of the sixteen. However, voluntary certification is also recommended because it helps the brand gain customer's trust.
So, get the BEE energy star rating for AC, refrigerators, ceiling fans, and other electrical appliances by going through the simple to implement a procedure for the bureau of energy efficiency star rating.
What does the BEE star rating mean?
BEE star rating means how efficiently the electronic or electrical appliance uses electricity. The higher the star rating, the less consumption of electricity and the more feasible the product is to be used by the public. In addition to giving the customers an idea of the product they are using, it gives the electronic manufacturers up their technological game so that their products are more in demand. And Star rating BEE is what our experts are trying to provide you with.
Objectives of the BEE
The following are the objectives for which the BEE was set up under the Conservation Act of 2001:
- Provide policy framework and direction to national energy conservation activities.
- Establish systems and procedures to measure, monitor, and verify energy efficiency improvements in individual and national sectors.
- To leverage multi-lateral, bi-lateral, and private sector support to implement programs and projects on efficient energy use and conservation.
- To coordinate policies and programs on the efficient use of energy and its conservation with the involvement of stakeholders.
- To coordinate policies and programs on the efficient use of energy and its conservation with the involvement of stakeholders.
- To demonstrate the energy efficiency delivery mechanism as envisaged in the Energy Conservation Act through a private-public partnership.
Schemes under the Bureau of Energy Efficiency
The following are the schemes covered by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency:
National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE)
National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) is one of the eight national missions under the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), released in June 2008 by the Government of India. The mission's primary objective is to develop regulations and policies instrumental in strengthening the market for energy efficiency.
Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)
Energy Conservation Building Code or ECBC is a code that provides minimum requirements for the energy-efficient design and construction of buildings, and it applies to large commercial buildings with a connected load of 100 kW and above or 120 kVA and above.
Standards and Labeling Scheme
Standards and Labeling (S&L) program was initiated with the key objective of providing consumers an informed choice regarding the energy savings and the cost-saving potential of various energy-consuming appliances. S&L scheme covers the star labeling program for 28 appliances, out of which 10 are under the mandatory regime, and the remaining 18 are under the voluntary regime. The vital benefits of the S&L scheme are:
- Significant impact on consumers purchasing energy-efficient appliances through a structured consumer awareness program.
- Market Transformation from inefficient appliances to energy-efficient ones.
Demand Side Management (DSM) Scheme
Demand Side Management (DSM) has been traditionally recognized as one of the major interventions to achieve a reduction in energy demands while ensuring continuous development. DSM interventions have helped utilities reduce the peak electricity demands and defer high investments in generation, transmission, and distribution networks. There are two types of DSM in the BEE:
· Municipal Demand Side Management (MuDSM) scheme
In order to tap the energy savings potential of municipalities, BEE initiated a nationwide Municipal Demand Side Management (MuDSM) program to address Energy Efficiency in drinking water and sewage water pumping system, street lighting, and public building across the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) and Municipalities.
· Agricultural Demand Side Management (AgDSM) Scheme
This program promises energy efficiency through agriculture demand-side management by the following:
- Reduction in overall power consumption
- Improving efficiencies of groundwater extraction
- Reducing subsidy burden on state utilities
- Investment in power plants through avoided capacity
Capacity Building of DISCOMs
DSM programs help utilities reduce their peak power purchases by lowering their overall cost of operations. The capacity building and other support are essential for the DISCOMs to implement DSM in their respective areas. In this context, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency had launched a program for capacity building of DISCOMs. This has helped build DISCOMs officials' capacity and develop various mechanisms to promote DSM in their respective areas.
Strengthening of State Designated Agencies (SDAs)
The Energy Conservation Act mandates the creation of a two-tier organization structure to promote the efficient use of energy. This conservation in the country with BEE as the nodal agency at the central level and SDAs as nodal agencies at State / Union Territory (UT) level was established under the EC Act.