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What is a Co-Packer Company?

  • April 08, 2023
  • Update date: March 31, 2025
  • Dushyant Sharma


Sometimes Businesses manufacturing a product does not want to or cannot burden themselves with other product-processing procedures, such as Packaging. In such cases, Manufacturers will look for other requisite manufacturing or packing service providers. Such an extended business operation can make the Manufacturers easily walk through this production procedure. You can think of such extensions in manufacturing procedures as business outsourcing. In this article, we will acquaint you with some terminologies associated with business outsourcers, such as co-packer business models or co-manufacturers, and the associated packer license services. Majorly these co-services are sought in the food and beverage industries around the world. 


Co-Packer Company definition

A contract or a co-manufacturer is a company contracted with your Business to aid in manufacturing and processing your line of products. If we place the process in the food industry, we term such outsourcers as co-packer companies. You can hire a food co-packer company to pack the accessories or food products. 

Co-packer Companies in India’s F&B industry have become hot nowadays as today. Many Companies want to package their food products without investing in specialized equipment or hiring competent specialists. You can also think of a co-packing business model as a manufacturing company aiding food and beverage brands in packaging their products.


Why must you hire a licensed Co-Packer?

A licensed Co-Packer renders its food co-packing services to its client company so that they can exploit their high-quality packaging skills, which they cannot accomplish on their own. 

Not Everyone can do Everything; Everything can be done by everyone working together

Hiring a job specialist is a sensible thing to do. But the case with such Expert services is that they are expensive. Licensed Packers operate with an entire team of them. Barring the monetary issues and the questions of affordability, a Co-packer is a saviour for many in the F&B industry. Businesses can scale up or back with ease by rendering food co-packing services. If you want to scale up your operations but don’t have the required skillset or the equipment for service rendering, then you can apply for Co-packaging services in India. 

Co-packing services come in handy during the Business scaling-up operations

A reputed and Licensed Packers can be recognized for his large clientele and the equipment at their disposal set to go. They also have connections in the F&B industry for showcasing their latest products and services at a genuine price to potential clients.


Is contractual obligation a must for rendering food co-packaging services

All one looks for is an experienced Co-Packer. But one must enter into a contract beforehand before proceeding with a service subscription. A firm contract is a need for significant service subscriptions and to strengthen the mutual relationship. A well-drafted contract must be beneficial for the co-packer as well as their clients. You can always hire a legal professional to draft the contract so the proposed relationship can move forward amicably.


How to Find the Right Co-Packer in the F&B Industry?

Here are a few things to keep in mind before looking for a Co-Packer to package your food products for the market release. With the growing Food & Beverage brands in the marketplace, co-packing service has grown in demand exponentially. The competition will ensure quality service at a cheaper cost. The Businesses must also understand how to find a co-packer of their choice to make the market release of the new product easier.

A competent Co-packer must help brands of varied sizes offer their products to the market quickly and efficiently. They must have an established network of Contract Manufacturers to facilitate the perfect match for your product. 


Registering as a Food Co-Packer in India

For a packer of any kind, if you wish to dispense your packaging services in the market, you must apply for a Packer License from the Department of Legal Metrology. The same is the case with a co-packer. Apply for the co-packer license from the Authority to dispense the co-packaging services in the F&B industry. 

If you wish to seek assistance completing the Packing License Registration, you can connect with one of our Legal Metrology experts at Registrationwala. Our professionals are well-versed with the Packaging as well as other LMD licensing procedures applicable in India. 



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Author: Dushyant Sharma
Hey there, I'm Dushyant Sharma. With the extensive knowledge I've gained in past 8 years, I have been creating content on various subjects such as banking, insurance, telecom, and all the important registration and licensing processes for various companies. I'm here to help everyone with my expertise in these areas through my articles.

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