RNI Registration: Legal Obligation for Businesses

  • January 27, 2024
  • Update date: February 17, 2025
  • Dushyant Sharma

The publication market in India is competitive, that requires a careful understanding of regulatory requirements to operate a business. Hence, the RNI is the authority that operates all the newspaper publications, grants certification and offers benefits. 


It provides legal recognition, credibility, and access to government schemes. However, knowing the rules of RNI registration can be tough for many entrepreneurs. In this guide, the different obligations of RNI are stated, and you should follow them to run a Newspaper business.

Title Verification

If you want to start your newspaper publication, then you have to apply to the District Magistrate. The application should include the details of the area where the publication will be set up, the proposed titles of the newspaper and the request to the DM to verify the details from RNI. You can download the format of the application from the RNI website.


After receiving the letter of title verification from RNI, the printer/publisher must file a declaration to the District Magistrate about the authentication. File the declaration in Form-1, copies of the form are available with the District Magistrate or you can download it from the RNI website as well.

First Issue

The first issue of the newspaper must be published within six weeks from the date on which the declaration is authenticated by the District Magistrate (in case the newspaper is to be published once a week or oftener than that). In case of any other periodicity, the first issue should be published within three months from the date of authentication of declaration.

Application for Registration

The RNI registration application must be made in the format available on the website of RNI. Along with the application, send the following documents: 

  • Title verification letter
  • Authenticated declaration
  • No foreign tie-up affidavit on a 10 rupee non-judicial stamp paper, duly notarized
  • The first issue of the publication after authentication of declaration and the latest issue at the time of making the application
  • Content intimation/confirmation in the prescribed form
  • In case the owner is different from the publisher and printer, a certificate on the publication’s letterhead mentioning the appointment of the publisher/printer.

Loss of Registration Certificate - Duplicate Certificate

In case the original certificate is lost, damaged or stolen, and change in the name of publisher/printer, etc. You must submit an application to the Press Registrar for the issue of a duplicate certificate of registration. Also, submit a copy of the FIR, or complaint bearing the stamp/steal of the police officer. Showing the documentary proof of the report is a must. These are the important documents:

  • Affidavit.
  • Photocopy of declaration.
  • Copy of the latest issue of the publication with the correct imprint line.
  • Indian Postal Order of Rs. 5/- in favour of DDO, RNI.
  • Affidavit for “No Foreign Tie Up” in a prescribed format, on a 10 rupee non-judicial stamp paper duly notarized.

Winding Up an RNI Publication

After the declaration is authenticated by the Magistrate, the person ceases to be the printer or publisher of the newspaper. He/she has to appear before any Magistrate and make the following statement, 


“I, ____, declare that I have ceased to be the printer or publisher (or the printer and publisher) of the newspaper entitled ____.”

No Newspaper Certificate

If you want to obtain a “No Newspaper Certificate” for FCRA registration with the Ministry of Home Affairs. The publisher/owner of a publication registered with the Registrar of Newspaper for India must submit several documents. 

  • Application form signed by the publisher/owner.
  • Affidavit about the contents of the publication signed by the publisher/owner and certified by the concerned First Class Magistrate.
  • A photocopy of the letter incorporating the name of the publication with language periodicity and place of publication. However, this issue by the Ministry of Home Affairs saying that a certificate from the office of the Registrar of Newspapers for India must check under Section 1(1) of the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867.
  • Four latest issues of the publication.

Submit an Annual Report

The RNI must compile a report and submit the same to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. It is according to Section 19G of the Press and Registration of Books Act. 


Make the title of the report, “Press in India” and submit it by 31st December every year. Compile this report on the basis of Annual Statements that are submit by the publishers under Section 19E of the PRB Act. However, the report must highlight the state of Print Media in the country state-wise, language-wise and periodicity-wise. 

Grievance Redressal Mechanism

Office Address: Assistant Press Registrar, Office of RNI, 9th Floor, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003.


Any person can seek redressal of their grievances through the officer. If they are not satisfied with the services of RNI. The officer has to take action within 30 days from which the complaint is received. Also, if someone wants to give suggestions for improvement of the services provided by the RNI, can drop them in the Suggestion Box kept in the Reception area of the Office.


Details of Liaison Officer in respect of RNI office for SC/ST/OBC:

  • Shri Joyce Philip (Assistant Press Registrar)
  • Phone: (O) 011-24369965
  • Email Id: apr.rni@nic.in


The publishers or printers of newspaper businesses must go step-by-step to get the license and set up a business. The Indian Newspaper, Foreign Newspaper, and Newspaper editorials & regional newspapers are required to obtain the licence. If you are looking to get an RNI license, then reach out to Registrationwala, we assist you from the application process, to finally receiving the license. If you have any queries, feel free to contact us.

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Dushyant Sharma
Author: Dushyant Sharma

Hey there, I'm Dushyant Sharma. With the extensive knowledge I've gained in past 8 years, I have been creating content on various subjects such as banking, insurance, telecom, and all the important registration and licensing processes for various companies. I'm here to help everyone with my expertise in these areas through my articles.

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