What is Shram Suvidha Portal?

  • September 13, 2024
  • Update date: March 05, 2025
  • Dushyant Sharma

The Shram Suvidha Portal was launched almost a decade ago by the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MOL&E), in October, 2014. It offers various registration and licensing services for various organizations and caters to multiple organizations under MOL&E. To know about Shram Suvidha Portal, and its services, go through this blog post!

About Shram Suvidha Portal

The Shram Suvidha Portal was launched by the Government of India on 16th October, 2014. Since its inception, this portal caters to four major organizations under MOL&E, namely, Directorate General of Mines Safety, Office of Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), Employees’ Provident Fund Organization and Employees’ State Insurance Corporation. 

The portal serves as a single online platform for enabling businesses to procure all kinds of relevant registrations and submit returns which are mandatory as per Labor Laws. Using this portal, businessmen can access inspection reports prepared by the enforcement agency inspectors. Shram Suvidha Portal has unified all the procedures to provide a healthy business environment and promote ease of doing business. 

Services available on Shram Suvidha Portal

The Shram Suvidha Portal offers a multitude of services, namely:

  • Generation of Labour Identification Number (LIN)

  • Data Change and Verification of LIN

  • Login information and passwords for Inspectable Establishments

  • Verification of Enforcement Agency Entity

  • Monthly filing of EPFO/ESIC common returns

  • Submission of Chief Labour Commissioner (CLC) and Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS) annual returns

  • CLC Organization’s LIN generation (initial phase)

  • Online entry by establishment, employer or enforcement body

  • Management, creation and updation of establishments that can be inspected, as well as their inspection reports

Features of Shram Suvidha Portal

The Shram Suvidha Portal of MOL&E has the following features:

  • It provides LIN allotment for effective and efficient governance in labor administration.

  • It provides accountability and transparency for the submission of Online Inspection Reports and the use of the Online Inspection System to enforce labor laws.

  • In order to reduce the difficulty of compliance, the portal functions as a standard online registration platform and facilitates the filing of self-certified and simplified single online yearly returns for a variety of labor laws.

  • By deploying transaction charges, the Unified ECR under EPFO/ESIC promotes compliance and ease of business. 

  • Labor enforcement agencies can exchange information with one another through the SSP.

  • Additionally, the portal makes it easier for labor laws to be practically implemented, which benefits workers' wages, jobs, and social security. 

How to Register on the Shram Suvidha Portal?

Registering on Shram Suvidha Portal is pretty easy. You can register on this portal by following the steps below:

Step 1: Visit the official website of Shram Suvidha and click on the “Registration & License” option available on the homepage.

Step 2: Thereafter, click on the “Click Here to Register” option.

Step 3: Now, you’ll be redirected to a new page wherein you need to click on the “Sign Up” option visible on the top right side of the page.

Step 4: Now, fill in all the required details such as your name, email address and mobile. Make sure all the details are correct and then type the verification code and click on the “Sign Up” option.

Step 5: Now, a verification link will be sent on your registered email address. Click on this link and a new page will open up.

Step 6: On the new page, you must submit an OTP sent on your registered email address as well as mobile number. Once done, you will get a “Registration successful” message on your screen.

By following these simple steps, you can easily register on the Shram Suvidha Portal.

Verification of LIN on Shram Suvidha

For verification or modification of the Labour Identification Number (LIN) under Shram Suvidha Portal, the following steps need to be followed:

Step 1: Register as an entity or employer at the Shram Suvidha Portal. This step involves filling all the required fields.

Step 2: After successful registration, the user will have to search their LIN at the portal if it already exists. ‘Know Your LIN’ option available at the portal can be used for doing this.

Step 3: If the LIN already exists, it must be linked to the establishment by selecting ‘Link Establishment’ option.

Step 4: If the link doesn’t exist on the portal, the user can create an owned or represented organization and thereafter, request for LIN through the ‘Establishment’ option available on the portal. This step requires you to sign in.

Process for Linking Establishment on SSP

Linking an establishment LIN is important to represent an establishment on SSP and become the representative of an establishment currently served by another employer or agency. To link an establishment, follow these steps:

Step 1: Login to the Shram Suvidha Portal using your credentials.

Step 2: Now, you need to search Establishment LIN for Linking. For this, you can utilize the 'Know Your LIN' option on the SSP’s main page and search for the establishment LIN you desire to link.

Step 3: If the establishment LIN is found, then log in to the Shram Suvidha account on the homepage and enter all the required details such User ID, Password, and Verification Code. Once all the details are entered and you’ve made sure they’re correct, click on the 'Submit' option.

Step 4: Now you need to locate the ‘Link Establishment’ option in the menu which is available on the left-hand side of the page.

Step 5: Now, you must fill the form for ‘Link Establishment’ by entering the LIN and contact details of the previous representative, such as their mobile number and email address. In case of unavailability of this information, input the LIN and click on ‘Generation Authorization Letter‘ option. With the generated letter, the user now needs to approach their regional head.

Step 6: After the linking process is completed successfully, the user can notice an increase in the number of establishments represented on the homepage within the establishment list.

Acts under which Registration can be obtained on SSP

The Ministry of Labour and Employment-run portal Shram Suvidha Portal provides for registration under any of the following Acts of the government:

  • The Employees Provident Funds And Miscellaneous Provisions Act (EPF) Act, 1952

  • Employees’ State Insurance Act (ESI) ACT, 1948

  • Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970

  • Building and Other Construction Workers (BOCW) Act, 1996

  • Inter-State Migrant Workmen (ISMW) Act, 1979

  • The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 

  • The Mines Act, 1952 

  • The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 

  • The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 

  • The Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of Service) Act, 1976 

  • The Working Journalists and Other Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955


The Shram Suvidha Portal (SSP) is managed by the MOL&E. The portal has simplified labor law compliances in India. By visiting SSP, you can submit returns, generate and modify LIN, etc. By providing various registration and license-related services online to businesspersons, the portal promotes ease of doing business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is LIN?

A. The full form of LIN is Labour Identification Number. It is a unique identification number which is used for various labor-related services. A LIN can be applied online through the Shram Suvidha Portal. 

Q2. Which Ministry developed the Shram Suvidha Portal?

A.This portal was developed by the Ministry of Labour & Employment (MOE&L).

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Author: Dushyant Sharma
Hey there, I'm Dushyant Sharma. With the extensive knowledge I've gained in past 8 years, I have been creating content on various subjects such as banking, insurance, telecom, and all the important registration and licensing processes for various companies. I'm here to help everyone with my expertise in these areas through my articles.

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