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National Food Security Card : Know Its Meaning, Benefits, and Types

  • October 30, 2024
  • Update date: March 30, 2025
  • Dushyant Sharma

India has one of the lowest daily intakes of calories, protein, and fat per person, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The fact that India has the highest number of hungry people worldwide and unreasonably high rates of child malnutrition yet having one of the fastest-growing economies is one of the country's greatest paradoxes today. To counter this, the Government of India introduced food security cards for those who face financial difficulties or do not have a regular source of income. Want to know what a food security card is? Check out this article!

About National Food Security Card

Food security card is a government-issued legal document that allows the cardholder to access commodities like rice, sugar, wheat, pulses, LPG, etc. at subsidized prices under National Food Security Act 2013. This card is also known as a food security ration card.

To use a food security card, you can visit any fair price shop in India along with your ration card number or Aadhaar number. Any family member who has linked their Aadhaar number to their ration card can use it at such a shop.

About National Food Security Act 2013

National Food Security Act, 2013, is an Indian law aiming to provide food to approx. two-thirds of India’s population at subsidized rates. Under this act, provisions are included for ration card issued to eligible households in India.

The eldest woman in the household who is at least 18 years of age is considered the head of household for ration card-issuing purposes. The Act also contains provisions for free meals for children and pregnant/lactating women, and maternity entitlements.

Benefits of Food Security Card

The food security card provides a number of benefits:

  • Food security cards allow eligible households to purchase food grains like wheat, rice, pulses, etc. at subsidized prices through a public distribution system.

  • For many Indian nationals, ration cards serve as a proof of identity.

  • Food grains can be claimed by individuals from any fair price shop in India, regardless of where their food security card was issued.

  • Ration cards help to ensure food security for migrant laborers who move from one part of the country to another for work purposes.

Types of National Food Security Cards

There are different types of food security cards issued by the government in India, including:

  • Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY)

This card offers subsidized food grains and is intended for the poorest families. Each month, AAY cardholders get 10 kg of rice and 25 kg of wheat. 

  • Priority Household (PHH)

This card offers subsidized food grains to priority households. Each PHH cardholder receives one kilogram of rice and four kilograms of wheat each month. 

  • BPL Ration Card

This card offers subsidized access to necessities and is intended for households that are experiencing severe financial difficulties. 

  • Annapurna Yojana Ration Card

This card is issued to individuals over 65 years old who do not have a regular income source.

Documents required for Food Security Card

The documents you'll need to apply for a ration card include:

  • A copy of the Aadhar card of all members of the household

  • Residence proof in case it is different from the address mentioned on Aadhar card

  • Income certificate from the Revenue Department

  • A ration card you or a member of your family already owns

  • Category-specific certificate 

How to Apply for Food Security Card

To apply for a food security card online in Delhi, follow the instructions below:

  • Visit the food security website of Delhi Government.

  • Now, click on the food security section and register as a user.

  • Now, you must fill out the required fields and upload the required documents.

  • Ensure all the details are filled correctly. Then, click on the submit option.

By following these steps, you can apply for a food security card. To track your application status, you can note down the ration card application number. 


Food is a basic necessity, and everyone deserves to be able to eat meals daily and get proper nutrition. Food security cards issued by the Indian government play an important role to ensure that every Indian gets equitable access to essential food supplies. If you want to apply for a food security card, then you must visit the official website of the department of food.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Where can national food security cards be used for buying food at subsidized rates?

A. A food security card can be used at any fair price shop (FPS) across India. There are lakhs of FPS in the country.

Q2. Which license is required for food businesses in India, including ration shops?

A. A food license issued by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, known as FSSAI license, is required for all food businesses in India, including ration shops. 

Q3. Who is eligible to get ration from FPS?

A. Families with a government-issued food security card, known as ration card, can get ration from FPS. Depending on the economic status of the cardholders, these ration cards are typically categorized into Above Poverty Line (APL), Below Poverty Line (BPL), and Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY).


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Author: Dushyant Sharma
Hey there, I'm Dushyant Sharma. With the extensive knowledge I've gained in past 8 years, I have been creating content on various subjects such as banking, insurance, telecom, and all the important registration and licensing processes for various companies. I'm here to help everyone with my expertise in these areas through my articles.

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