Brands with Most Valuable Trademarks

  • April 28, 2016
  • Dushyant Sharma
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A trademark is a well known design, recognizable sign or expression which identifies the product or services of a particular source from those of others. In simpler terms, it is a brand or a logo by which a company is identified. For getting a trademark, a proper registration procedure is followed and for making it a brand, years of hard work and courage is required.


Some Well Known Brands of Trademark all over the world are:

  • Google: Everybody has heard of Google, the most famous and used search engine of the whole virtual world. The company's market capitalization is $1.719 trillion and its trademark value is approximately $333. 4 billion. Being the most popular search engine, it has even entered into the operating system and surpassed blackberry and apple with its android.
  • Microsoft: The number one software company having a diversifying product from windows to video games, consoles, consumer electronics and digital services has the market capitalization of $3.01 trillion. The value of its trademark ranges up to $502 billion.
  • Walmart: There won't be a single person who is not aware of this name. It is the largest retailer company in the whole world having more than 2.1 million employees across the world. This company has over 10,500 stores in the whole world with market capitalization of $488.48 billion and the value of its trademark is $113.8 billion.
  • IBM: An International multinational technology and consulting corporation has been acquiring software manufacturers in a variety of fields. This company holds more patents than any other technology company having a market capital of $175.77 billion. Its trademark value is $10.6 billion U.S. dollars.
  • Vodafone: One of the largest grossing mobile telecommunication network providers. It provides mobile network in more than 30 countries and has a market capital of $25.07 Billion. The trademark of Vodafone values up to $16.86 billion.

  • Apple: I phones, I pads, Mac book, these are the gadgets every person on earth dreams of. Apple, the most famous software and hardware pioneer of the mobile and gadgets industry having market capitalization of $2.67 trillion and the trademark values up to $880.5 billion.

These are the top rated trademarks all over the world with the market price of their share grossing high. Many other companies like Amul, Reliance, Tata, GE, etc. come under the list of most popular trademarks with great market value all over the world.

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Dushyant Sharma
Author: Dushyant Sharma

Hey there, I'm Dushyant Sharma. With the extensive knowledge I've gained in past 8 years, I have been creating content on various subjects such as banking, insurance, telecom, and all the important registration and licensing processes for various companies. I'm here to help everyone with my expertise in these areas through my articles.

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