Trademark Application�
A trademark is a sign, symbol, word, or words registered or legalized for the use of representation of a company�s product or services. Hence, any tamper or illegal use of this trademark by any other company it does not belong to, gives the authorized company the right to legal action � making trademark of a company the most important feature of its existence.�
Once a company is formed, to gain legal benefits it must register its trademark with the Registrar, which is valid for ten years only. It is a simple and important process and does not require much effort.�
The following is the step-by-step procedure followed to register a trademark:�
It is during the examination step that the Registrar checks the application for any discrepancies. The examination takes about 12-18 months.The examination may be passed absolutely, conditionally or objected.�
In addition, an opponent may raise the objection to the trademark application within four months during the Publication step.�
Filing Evidence�
It is in the case of an objection that the applicant has a chance to file evidence in support of its trademark application.�
After the expiry of the allotted time for providing evidence and receiving evidence application from the trademark applicant and opponent, the Registrar calls for a fair hearing from both parties. Both parties are required to respond to the hearing notice within fourteen days of the date of receipt.�
The trademark application may be approved or rejected after favoring the applicant or opponent respectively on hearing the case of both parties. The trademark application proceeds for trademark registration after the Registrar favors the applicant and a trademark registration�certificate is issued to the applicant.
Hey there, I'm Dushyant Sharma. With the extensive knowledge I've gained in past 8 years, I have been creating content on various subjects such as banking, insurance, telecom, and all the important registration and licensing processes for various companies. I'm here to help everyone with my expertise in these areas through my articles.
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