There are multiple types of trademarks for which registration can be sought in India. These marks can be distinguished depending on their characteristics and features. Here we are providing the comprehensive information about the various types of trademarks. But, before going for types you should have proper understading of What exactly the Trademark is.
In order for your product or your service to be known by the public, it is necessary for you to mark your trade in some way or other. Some use word or words, other use logos, and there are few who also use share and sounds for the same. These marks that represent your trade are called the Trademarks.
Without trademark, a consumer is just going to buy some “Tea” and some “Biscuits” without any way to know who the creator of those products is. This marks the essential nature of trademark with the other important for the mark being able to be known by the people. There are several more points for importance of trademarks to speak of. However, for now, our primary concern is to dive deep into what trademarks are.
One more thing to know here is that trademarks are IPs or intellectual properties. To that end, you can make them go through trademark registration in order to get access to some perks that you otherwise would not have.
We recently just mentioned to you that there are many types of trademarks. However, let us now dig deep into what these types of trademarks are:
Service marks are trademarks that you are going to use to represent the service that you provide to the customers. Anything from a name to a logo can be registered as this trademark. For example: LIC, ICICI etc.
This mark is not a normal sort of trademark. To that end, many might say that a certification mark should not be considered as a trademark. However, it is in fact a mark to consider. It is a mark that can by anything like a name, or a device that vouches for (represents quality) of the product or services.
There are some marks that can either represent both the product and services. These marks represent a lot more facets of trade than you might think. For example, the TATA represents cars on one hand and also salt on the other.
This particular mark is the one that has gotten immense popularity inside the public domain. This can either be a collective mark, a word mark, logo mark etc. This type of trademark is more like a suggestion that the mark has gotten immense popularity.
This is a type of trademark that is extremely similar to other trademark. A series mark can also be called a family mark as there are not many discernible non-similar facets of the mark from the other. They belong to a single organization who wants to keep the aesthetics of their mark the same.
There are 3 types of mark that fall under this type of trademark. These can also be called the uncommon trademarks that defy any sort of convention. This particular type of trademark is can be a shape mark, a sound mark, a color mark and even a smell mark. These are also rare marks.
These marks have power to make you recognizable. However, if you want to protect this mark as well so that only YOU get the recognition you seek, you need to dabble into trademark registration.
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