Trademark search is not equal to Google search

  • June 29, 2016
  • Update date: March 11, 2025
  • Dushyant Sharma

I know you must be thinking why you search trademark, well the answer is very simple; whenever you are going to register your trademark you should at least check whether your trademark, logo, etc is unique or it resembles existing mark of another person.

Trademark search is prior step to trademark registration because it is important to know whether the trademark name is unique or not because if your trademark is similar to the existing trademark.

Therefore it is advisable to search similarity of your name with other registered names, otherwise, trademark application has to face so many hurdles before reaching to registered status.

Free Trademark search online is an investigation tool to know the availability of the name, design or logo which is going to become your future trademark.

Conduct thorough trademark search:

In reality, trademark search is the first step towards trademark registration. After conducting trademark search a person decides whether to go for registration or not. An attempt to go for trademark registration without conducting trademark search can be costly and tedious exercise as it may result in raising an opposition by the other party.

Trademark availability can be started by the basic search engine Google to know whether your trademark is similar to other trademarks.

But, Google will not suggest you those trademark which have been registered but not yet been launched in the market.

Therefore, Registrationwala provides the trademark search facility absolutely free. This search functionality will not only suggest the uniqueness of your trademark but it will also guide you that under which class your mark will fall. This is like a tailored made approach to make trademark search no more tedious.

Importance of Trademark Search:

  • Trademark search provides the useful information about the existing brand name or trademark.
  • It will make you aware of the other trademarks which phonetically similar to your trademark.
  • The Search process will provide the information of any Well-known trademark.

The most important reason to do a trademark search is to avoid liability from trademark infringement lawsuits.

Trademark search should also be done even if you have registered a trademark to know the potential infringer who may be using your trademark in their business to dupe your prospective customer.

Therefore, trademark search is a continuous exercise instead of one-shot event.

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Author: Dushyant Sharma
Hey there, I'm Dushyant Sharma. With the extensive knowledge I've gained in past 8 years, I have been creating content on various subjects such as banking, insurance, telecom, and all the important registration and licensing processes for various companies. I'm here to help everyone with my expertise in these areas through my articles.

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