Before moving forward with the registration of trademark there is requirement of conducting the comprehensive trademark search. Thus, every person must conduct the complete logo or business or global trademark database search in India before moving ahead with trademark registration.
There are different trademark databases that can be accessed for checking the presence of the existing logo, trademark in India and the global trademarks. With this article we will take a look at all the three trademark database searches that are logo, trademark in India and global trademark.
On the online portal of the trademark the the database of the trademark is present where the details of the trademark registered, abandoned, applied, objected etc are there. In order to conduct the free public trademark search the applicant is required to simply visit the portal and follow the below mentioned steps-
Logo is the unique device mark that is associated with the products or services of one person to distinguish it from others in the market. The uniqueness of the proposed logo must be checked by conducting the comprehensive logo trademark search in India. The process of conducting this search is just similar to the procedure of business name search. Till step 3 everything is required to done in a similar way. The next steps are as follows-
If a person desires to sell his goods and services across the boundaries of the country the international application for trademark registration shall be made. Before making an international application there is a requirement of conducting the public trademark search on global database. This is because the international trademark application is required to be made to the WIPO under the Madrid protocol. The complete database of the international trademarks is present on the WIPO website and its control panel includes the companies that signed up for the Madrid System. There are mainly three types of searches the Word search, Logo search and the Device mark search.
One important thing to be noted about the international trademark search and international trademark registration in India is that before applying for trademark on international basis make sure to get it registered in at least one country.
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