A trademark is the mark of your trade. It lets people identify you from the products or service that you provide. As such, it’s your brand or your marketing identity. Therefore, in today’s world, it holds the most value.
Unsurprisingly, it’s this value that has made trademark infringement so common. There are culprits out there who aren’t afraid to copy your brand name/logo/shape or else over their products to sell/provide them as their own. In recent years, such cases have increased and to this very day, they continue to escalate. So what to do? How you should deal with trademark infringement?
When you realize that someone has stolen or copied your mark, your first reaction is a violent one. Not willing to step back, you get on the phone and call a trademark attorney to get suggestions. However, the answer that the attorney will give you will be surprising. “How to deal with trademark infringement?” is a question that most often has a simple solution, but no one is going to tell you that, except now.
Taking the court route should always be your absolute last option. But, if nothing helps, it’s the only option that can help you retain the ownership of your trademark.
Trademark infringement and how to deal with it is a topic that can confuse a lot of people and make them select the worse options. However, through this article, we’ve tried to give you an alternative which is up to you to take or not. Additionally, if a case emerges where you find yourself facing financial damages due to trademark infringement, you should consult with our trademark attorneys.
Hey there, I'm Dushyant Sharma. With the extensive knowledge I've gained in past 8 years, I have been creating content on various subjects such as banking, insurance, telecom, and all the important registration and licensing processes for various companies. I'm here to help everyone with my expertise in these areas through my articles.