Copyright is legal right that grants authors an exclusive right to his original work. This legal right is all about to reproduce the work for publishing and selling them to public.
Copyright is all about to put your idea into tangible form because the only expression can be protected by Copyright Law, but not your idea, concept, styles or techniques. Work can be protected under Copyright Act only when it has the requisite level of creativity.
The very basic reason for copyright registration is that you can file a case against any person only in case of copyright infringement only when you have a registered copyright on your unique work.
Though its nowhere mentioned that copyright registration is mandatory to avail certain rights by the authors but Copyright registration offers some additional advantages over non-registration. In short, Copyright registration is optional not compulsion, but advisable.
Just look at some the core advantages of a registered copyright:
As copyrighted work in many other countries is eligible for similar protection in India, so works copyright registered in India are accorded the same protection in many other foreign countries.
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