What is Corporate Identification Number?

  • May 15, 2024
  • Update date: January 21, 2025
  • Dushyant Sharma

Corporate Identification Number CIN is a unique identification number which is assigned by the Registrar of the Companies (ROC) situated in different states. While issuing the Registration Certificate, the ROC provides CIN to the companies.


By reading this article, you will have a clear understanding about what a corporate identification number is.

What is a CIN Number?

CIN’s full form is Corporate Identification Number. The CIN number is a 21-digit alphanumeric code which is issued to the companies registered in India including Private Limited Companies (PLCs), Section 8 Companies, Nidhi Companies, State Government Companies, Companies owned by the Government of India, One Person Companies (OPC), etc. 


CIN is unique to a particular company. This means that one CIN number can’t be associated with two or more different companies. It consists of important details of a company such as its year of incorporation, state code, type of company and listing status. CIN can’t be obtained by an LLP. For LLPs, a 7-digit identification code known as LLPIN is assigned. It works the same way as CIN.

Are the CIN Digits Chosen Randomly?

CIN is not a random number of 21 digits. It is a code given to the company and contains some vital information. CIN Number is basically divided into 6 parts and contains crucial information about the Company in each part:

  • First Digit: This digit represents the listing status of the Company, which may either be Listed or Unlisted. If the company is Listed then "L" will be mentioned and if  "U" is mentioned, then it’ll mean that the company is unlisted.
  • Next Five Digits: These digits represent the Industry Code depending on the business line chosen by the company. A particular industry is chosen in which the company intends to operate. This code is suitable according to the industry through which the number is allotted.
  • Next Two Digits: This represents the State Code of the State in which the registered office of the company is situated. For Example: If the company has been registered in Gujarat, the Code would be GJ.
  • Next Four Digits: This represents the Year of Incorporation of the Company. Year of incorporation of the company can be identified by these four digits.
  • Next Three Digits: This represents the type of the company whether the company is Public Limited Company, Private Limited Company, Government of India Company, Centre, One Person Company, Company of State Government (SGC), Section 8 Company, etc..
  • Last Six Digits: These digits represent the ROC Registration Number of the company. These are the unique numbers given to every company at the time of incorporation by the ROC in which they are registering. The allocation depends upon this number.

Why is CIN Important for a Company?

A CIN is an important identification number for a company. By using CIN, all the activities and other aspects of a company can be tracked. For each transaction with the Registrar of Companies, the CIN needs to be provided by the company. 


Under Section 12(3)(c) of The Companies Act, 2013, it is stated that every company shall get its name, address of its registered office and the Corporate Identity Number along with telephone number, fax number, if any, e-mail and website addresses, if any, printed in all its business letters, billheads, letter papers and in all its notices and other official publications. If a company fails to do so, a penalty of Rs. 1000 per day will be charged till the default continues. The maximum penalty limit is set at Rs. 1,00,000.

Can a Company’s CIN be Changed?

It is possible to change the CIN of a company, but only in the following cases:

  • In case of any change in the company’s listing status
  • In case of any change in the registered office’s location or change of state where the office is located.
  • In case of any change in the industry/sector which the company belongs to.

How to Search a Company’s CIN?

If you want to find out the CIN of a company, you can easily do it by visiting MCA’s official website. All you have to do is, click on the ‘MCA Services’ tab on the website’s home page. Thereafter, you must click on the ‘Check CIN’ option from the drop down list under the option of ‘Company Services’. 

Company Search

Alternatively, you can find CIN using Registrationwala’s company search option. Just select ‘company’ from the drop down list and type the name of the company you want to search CIN of. 


For the companies registered in India under the Companies Act, 2013, CIN serves as a crucial identification number. It offers valuable information regarding a company’s activities and other additional information. All the companies must adhere to the legal requirement of displaying CIN on the official documents. CIN simplifies the process of gathering basic details about a company without any unnecessary trouble. Before a CIN can be assigned by the ROC, company registration is required. If you need assistance in obtaining Company Registration, connect with Registrationwala.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How can a company apply for CIN?

A. ROC allots an alphanumeric number consisting of 21-digits to a company on the date of its registration. CIN is mentioned on the company’s certificate of incorporation. Hence, when the ROC approves a company’s incorporation, it automatically receives an allotted CIN.


Q2. Is it mandatory for a company to mention its CIN number on its invoices, bills and receipts?

A. Yes. According to the Companies Act, 2013, Section 12(3)(c), a company is required to print its name, registered office’s address and CIN in all its notices, billheads, letter papers, business letters and other official publications. Therefore, it is mandatory for a company to mention its CIN on its invoices, bills and receipts which are sent to the clients.


Q3. Why is CIN not allotted to the LLPs?

A. CIN is only allotted to the companies which are registered under the Companies Act. 2013. LLP is registered under the LLP Act, 2008. Therefore, CIN cannot be allotted to the LLPs. However, an LLPIN which is similar to a CIN, is allotted to the LLPs. 

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Dushyant Sharma
Author: Dushyant Sharma

Hey there, I'm Dushyant Sharma. With the extensive knowledge I've gained in past 8 years, I have been creating content on various subjects such as banking, insurance, telecom, and all the important registration and licensing processes for various companies. I'm here to help everyone with my expertise in these areas through my articles.

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