In order keep the database of the registry updated the ministry of corporate affairs introduced the provision of conducting KYC of all Directors of all companies annually through a new form, i.e. DIR-3 KYC (Form). Here are some of the key points related to this new form.
Note 1) Submission of Passport is mandatory in case of Foreign Nationals.
2) Mobile No. and E-mail ID shall be on director's himself only.
3) In order to duly certify The E-form DIR-3 KYC the DSC of the Practicing Chartered Accountant, Practicing Company Secretary or Practicing Cost Accountant shall be attached.
Hey there, I'm Dushyant Sharma. With the extensive knowledge I've gained in past 8 years, I have been creating content on various subjects such as banking, insurance, telecom, and all the important registration and licensing processes for various companies. I'm here to help everyone with my expertise in these areas through my articles.