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Apply for Painting & Artpiece Copyright in India

To safeguard your artworks in painting, sculpting, drawing and more from theft and plagiarism, apply for Artwork Copyright Certification at the Patent Office in India. You can also apply for the Artwork Copyright Registration services at Registrationwala. Our trained IPR professionals can get your art piece registered with the Indian Patent Authority in no time.

Price Starts RS @ 4,999 /-

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Artistic Work/Painting Copyright Process

Step 1
Step 2
Application filing
Step 3
Application Assessment
Step 4
Publication of artistic or painting work
Step 5
Grant of Copyright

Artistic Work/Painting Copyright in India

Artistic Work/Painting Copyright

Artistic works range from paintings, drawings, engravings, and craftsmanship. To some extent, it even encompasses architecture and photographs. Like most entities covered by copyright, art must be an original work to be protected by the copyright act. Art is protected for a lifetime.

Berne Convention

The Berne Convention states that two generations of the artist should benefit from the predecessor's copyright. Once the author of the art is dead, the copyright expires after a particular time, which varies from country to country.

The artist is the first owner of the art he produces unless he is contractually bound by an employer, mainly newspapers, magazines, or studios. 

Benefits of copyright Artwork/Painting

Here are some privileges the author enjoys under the Copyright Act: 

  • Only he has the right to reproduce the work in any manner or form he wants to.
  • If the work is yet to be published, he is the only one with the authority to publish it.
  • Give permission to use the art in cinema or films.
  • Making a further adaptation of the work. 

Exemptions from Artwork Copyrighting

There are minimal exceptions to the rule. For example, if the art is shown incidentally in a movie, it is exempted from the act. The artist cannot claim copyright infringement if the art is transfixed at a particular place and that place gets recorded in a movie or show.

In a few countries, the Copyright Act prevents auction houses from using copies of art to advertise for sale. Before doing so, the auction house must seek the permission of the owner of the art. However, this clause is prevalent in only a select few countries.

Eligibility Criteria for Artistic Work/Painting Copyright

Make sure your Artwork is original one. That's the only eligibility criteria to obtain Artistic Work/Painting Copyright.

Documents Required for Artistic Work/Painting Copyright

In regard to Artistic Work/Painting Copyright, the following documents are needed:

  • NOC/Declaration of the Artist
  • NOC of the Publisher

Process for Artistic Work/Painting Copyright

The copyright registration process for artistic work is long, and it involves a lot of legal requirements. However, all of that can be compressed into the following points:

Copyright Registration Search 

Perform a copyright registration search to see if the artistic work of the same name, content, and nature is already copyrighted

Application Filing

File the application for copyright registration along with a copy of the work you want to copyright.

Artwork Publication in the Journal

Wait for the copyrighted material to be published. It shall stay in the journal for a while.

Copyright Registration

Once you get the copyright registration, the benefits come then. However, the time it takes for the process to be completed can take even years.

Our Assistance in filing the Artistic Work/Painting Copyright

We at Registrationwala provide end-to-end solutions for Artistic Work/Painting Copyright. Our services include:

  1. Collection of information and starting the process
  2. Drafting the application
  3. Reviewing the draft and making changes if necessary
  4. Filing the application for Artistic Work/Painting Copyright is a leading legal consultancy firm providing the comprehensive services relating to Artistic Work/Painting Copyright

Contact us to get Artistic Work/Painting Copyright. 


Q. How to copyright artwork in India?

A. The copyright registration process for artistic work is long and involves many legal requirements. However, all of that can be compressed into the following points:

  1. Perform a copyright registration search to see if the artistic work of the same name, content, and nature is already copyrighted
  2. File the application for copyright registration along with a copy of the work you want to copyright.
  3. Wait for the copyrighted material to be published. It shall stay in the journal for a while.
  4. Once you get the copyright registration, the benefits come then. However, the time it takes for the process to be completed can take even years

Q. What is Artistic Work copyright in India?

A. Artistic Work Copyright India: Artistic works range from paintings, drawings, engravings, and craftsmanship. To some extent, it even encompasses architecture and photographs. Like most entities covered by copyright, art must be an original work to be protected by the copyright act. Art is protected for a lifetime.

Q. How long does it take to copyright artwork?

A. It can vary on the Artwork. To get a precise answer, connect with the IPR experts at Registrationwala.

Q. Where do I have to apply for the copyright for paintings?

A. For artistic work painting copyright registration, visit the official website.

Q. How to copyright your Artwork in India?

A. To copyright artwork examples, connect with the IPR experts at Registrationwala. They will guide you throughout the entire artwork copyright registration process.

Q. How to copyright paintings in India?

A. For copyrighting your paintings, connect with the IPR experts at Registrationwala. They will guide you throughout the entire artwork copyright registration process.

Q. Where to apply for the painter registration?

A. At the official IPR website

Q. How to copyright my Artwork?

A. To copyright artistic work under Copyright Act, connect with the IPR experts at Registrationwala. They will guide you throughout the entire artwork copyright registration process.

Q. What is the cost to copyright artwork in India?

A. To copyright an Artwork, there is a processing fee involved. To know more about these payments, connect with Registrationwala.

Q. How do you copyright your Artwork in India?

A. Connect with the IPR experts at Registrationwala. They will guide you throughout the entire artwork copyright registration process.

Q. How to copyright drawings in India?

A. Refer to the process section of this webpage to learn about the copyrighting process.

Q. How to trademark your Artwork in India?

A. Refer to the process section of this webpage to learn about the Artwork copyrighting process.

Q. Can you copyright a painting in India?

A. Yes

Q. How do I copyright my Artwork in India?

A. To copyright your Artwork, Refer to the process section of this webpage to learn about the copyrighting process.

Q. What is the painter's registration?

A. For the painter registration code, the painter's registration is crucial.

Q. What is an artwork registration?

A. Artistic works range from paintings, drawings, engravings and craftsmanship. To some extent, it even encompasses architecture and photographs. Like most entities covered by copyright, art must be an original work to be protected by the copyright act. Art is protected for a lifetime.

Q. How do you get your Artwork copyrighted?

A. Refer to the process section of this webpage to learn about the Artwork copyrighting process.

Q. How to copyright a painting?

A. For artwork company registration, refer to the process section of this webpage to learn about the Artwork copyrighting process.

Q. How to copyright Artwork for free?

A. For free registration of artistic companies, connect with the IPR experts at the Registrationwala.

Q. Do I need to copyright my Artwork?

A. Yes, registered painting can

Q. Are paintings copyrighted?

A. Yes, the majority of paintings are copyrighted to save the art from theft and plagiarism.

Q. How to copyright your illustrations in India?

A. Refer to the process section of this webpage to learn about the Artwork copyrighting process. You can register for the artistic painting company as well.

Q. What is Art registration in India?

A. Artistic works range from paintings, drawings, engravings and craftsmanship. To some extent, it even encompasses architecture and photographs. Like most entities covered by copyright, art must be an original work to be protected by the copyright act. Art is protected for a lifetime.

Q. How to copyright Artwork in India?

A. To copyright for artistic work, refer to the process section of this webpage to learn about the Artwork copyrighting process and art licensing in India.

Q. Is it legal to reproduce a painting in India?

A. Yes, but only with the permission of the artist. To copyright artwork for free, connect with Registrationwala.

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