Frequently Asked Questions About Trademark Renewal
Q1) What are the documents required for a trademark renewal application?
Required documents for renewal application are:
- Certified copy of the concerned trademark registration certificate.
- Certified copy of the form TM-A used for the trademark registration application.
- Proof of Identification of the applicant.
- Proof of Residence of the applicant.
- Power of Attorney if the applicant is an authorized representative of the trademark owner.
Q2) What is the trademark license renewal fee?
The Trademark renewal fee is different for offline and online mode:
- If the application is filed physically, the trademark license renewal cost is ten thousand
- rupees.
- If the application is filed online, the trademark license renewal cost is nine thousand
- rupees.
Q3) What happens if an unregistered trademark applies for license renewal?
If a person falsely represents that a trademark is registered for any goods or services, but in
actuality, the trademark is not registered, then, in that case, he/she is punishable with
imprisonment for a term that may extend to three years or with a fine, or both.
Q4) What is the validity of a registered trademark?
The validity of a registered trademark is ten years from the date of issuance.
Q5) When should one apply for the Trademark renewal process?
Trademark Renewal requests can be filed within six months before the expiry of registration
or renewal. Even before the expiry of the last registration of a trademark, the Registrar shall send
the notice as a reminder to the registered trademark owner regarding expiration
.Q6) Which form is used for filing the trademark renewal application?
The form TM-12 must be filled and filed with the requisite documents to the Registrar of
Trademarks within six months of the trademark expiry.
Q7) What if the trademark registration license expires?
If a person fails to renew their trademark, the Registrar will issue an advertisement in the
Trademark Journal indicating the removal of the trademark. This will convey that the concerned
trademark is open to be registered by them. And the Registrar will then remove the trademark
from the Register.
Q8) Can one apply for Trademark renewal after the license expiry?
After ten years, if the trademark is not renewed, the person still has the option of trademark
restoration. The restoration is similar to the renewal process, but the applicant has to pay an
additional fine for crossing the expiry date.
Q9) What can be changed about a Trademark at the time of registration?
Except for the owner’s name and the associated goods and services, the trademark owner
can file for change or updation in the trademark details at the time of renewal.