Types of Registration for Foreign Contributions in India

Types of Registration for Foreign Contributions in India
FCRA Registration

Types of Registration for Foreign Contributions in India

FCRA refers to Foreign Contribution Regulation Act. NGOs require this form of registration in order to ensure that they can receive contributions from foreign countries with some tax exemptions. The demand for this particular registration has increased with the increased need to provide for the welfare of the society and for the poor.

However, did you know that there are two types of FCRA registration? This blog is going to discuss these types and their eligibility.


Types of FCRA registration

The two types of FCRA registration are as follows:

  1. Prior Permission Certificate: This sort of certificate is possible after one year
  2. Permanent Certificate:  It is available for a span of 5 years.


Criteria for each type of Registration

Prior Permission: 

 Following is the eligibility criteria for the prior permission certificate:


Permanent Certificate:

This particular form of registration is valid for up to 5 years, and has the following criteria:


Benefits of FCRA registration

With FCRA registration on its side, a section 8 company/NGO/public trust can reach out to international bodies like the following for donations:

  1. Oxfam
  2. British High Commission
  4. Infinity Foundation
  5. Ford Foundation
  6. Canadian High Commission
  7. New Zealand High Commission
  10. Japanese Embassy
  11. European Commission
  12. GIFRID
  13. BORDA

Now, that you know that there are two types of FCRA registration. Which one would you like to opt for? Whatever you choose, just remember-Registrationwala is here to aid you through the entire FCRA registration process  and can avail you this registration at an affordable price.

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