EPR Registration for Used Oil

EPR Certificate

EPR Registration for Used Oil

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations are not just limited to electronic and plastic waste. Now, they cover oil waste as well. EPR for used oil means the responsibility of the producer of base/lubrication oil to meet recycling targets through registered recyclers. The Government of India notified Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Second Amendment Rules, 2023 by addition of Chapter-VII “Extended Producer Responsibility for Used Oil”. 

These rules commenced from the 1st day of April, 2024. Those who are waste oil manufacturers, importers and recyclers must ensure their compliance with EPR rules. If you want to get an EPR certificate for used oil, connect with Registrationwala. By obtaining this certificate, your business will show extended producer responsibility for used oils.

What is Used Oil?

Used oil can be defined as any oil derived from crude oil or mixtures which contain synthetic oil including spent oil, used engine oil, gear oil, hydraulic oil, turbine oil, compressor oil, industrial gear oil, heat transfer oil, transformer oil and their tank bottom sludge and suitable for reprocessing.

Stakeholders Requiring EPR Certificate for Used Oil

The following stakeholders require EPR for used oil:

Benefits of EPR Oil Waste

EPR Oil Waste management is extremely important for the environment. It puts the responsibility of oil waste management on the stakeholders. Some of the benefits of EPR for used oil are mentioned below:

Documents Required for EPR Oil Waste Management

The following documents are required for EPR for oil waste:

Process of EPR Oil Waste

To register for EPR for Oil Waste, you must follow certain steps. 

Visiting EPR Portal

The applicant must sign up on the EPR for oil waste portal by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and get login credentials so that he can log onto the portal. He must provide details such as type of entity, GST number, name of company, authorized person details, etc.

Filing Application

Now, after logging into the portal, the applicant must file an application to get EPR registration. All the required information must be duly filled and all the required documents must be submitted on the portal.

Review of Application

Upon receiving the application, it will be carefully examined by the CPCB, along with all the submitted documents. In case of any shortcomings, the applicant will be intimated.

Registration for EPR Oil Waste

If the application is complete, the applicant will be registered and he will receive a registration number by CPCB within a stipulated period. The registration is valid for 2 years. After this, an application must be submitted for EPR registration renewal in the applicant’s specific category.

Registrationwala’s Assistance in EPR for Oil Waste

By choosing Registrationwala for assistance in EPR for oil waste, you can rest assured that you’ll receive EPR certificate for used oil in a smooth and hassle-free manner. We will help you in the following manner:

Our seasoned leaders at Registrationwala will make the complicated process of EPR registration for used oil a lot easier with our knowledge and dedication to customer satisfaction. Our methodical approach, along with our understanding of EPR regulatory frameworks, will guarantee that your company remains environmentally conscious as well as compliant.

Allow us to help you fulfill your obligation as an extended producer and make a positive change in the environment! Connect with us as soon as possible and get EPR Registration for Oil Waste in a short period of time!

EPR Certificate For Used Oil




FAQs About EPR for Oil

Q1. Who needs to register on the EPR Used Oil Portal of CPCB?

A. Producers, Collection Agents, Recyclers and Used Oil Importers are required to  register on the EPR Used Oil Portal.

Q2. Which oils are exempted from the used oil EPR target?

A. White oil, process oils used in manufacturing processes, as well as lubricants such as greases, which do not lead to generation of any residual used oil do not have EPR obligation.

Q3. Does EPR certificate for oil waste require renewal?

A. Yes, the EPR certificate for oil waste requires renewal after every 2 years.

Q4. Are the EPR certificates for used oil tradable between registered producers and used oil importers?

A. No, these certificates are not tradable between them.

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