About Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)

EPR Certificate

About Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)

The full form of the CPCB is the Central Pollution Control Board. A part of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEFCC), the CPCB plays an important role in preventing and controlling pollution. This organization ensures that the environment is preserved and protected for the present as well as the future generations. If you want to know what CPCB is, its organizational structure and functions, check out this post! 

About CPCB

The Central Pollution Control Board, or simply CPCB, is a statutory organization of MoEFCC. It was established in September 1974 under the Water Act 1974.  Further, under Air Act 1981, the organization was entrusted with powers and functions. With five laboratories and seven zonal offices, CPCB is headquartered in New Delhi. CPCB carries out studies and environmental assessments. Under several environmental regulations, it is in charge of upholding national standards while consulting with zonal offices, tribal governments, and municipal governments. 

In addition to providing technical services to the Ministry of Environment and Forests about the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, it functions as a field formation. The primary responsibilities of the CPCB are outlined in the Water Act 1974 and the Air 1981. These include: (i) preventing, controlling, and mitigating water pollution to improve stream and well cleanliness in various States; and (ii) enhancing air quality and preventing, controlling, or mitigating air pollution nationwide.

At the ITO Intersection located in New Delhi, CPCB has an automatic monitoring station. This station is used for regular monitoring of Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Ozone (O3), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM). The information on air quality at ITO is updated on a weekly basis. CPCB is also engaged in water quality monitoring (WQM) and surveillance. CPCB’s mandates are to collect, collate and disseminate technical and statistical data regarding water pollution.

Organizational Structure of CPCB

In CPCB, the Chairman is responsible for leading the organization followed by the Member Secretary and other members. Various functions are performed by CPCB through nine major project budget heads. These major project budget heads are as follows:

Functions of CPCB

Let’s shed some light on the functions of the Central Pollution Control Board:

Why is CPCB Important?

CPCB is important for control, prevention and abatement of water and air pollution in India. The pollution control board promotes cleanliness of streams and wells in various states. Additionally, it also helps them to improve air quality. 

The role of CPCB is of utmost importance when it comes to limiting the environmental damage caused by discharge of harmful energies and substances. In order to tackle air pollution, it modifies or evaluates the air quality stations’ precision. Apart from this, CPCB also works towards curbing industrial pollutants.


The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of MoEFCC plays an important role in controlling, preventing and reducing air pollution and water pollution. Along with the state pollution control boards, it helps to reduce the environmental damage caused by air and water pollution. It is necessary to receive CPCB’s approval for EPR Registration. For assistance in obtaining EPR Registration, connect with Registrationwala. 

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