SEBI: Meaning, History and Function


SEBI: Meaning, History and Function

The full form of SEBI is the Securities and Exchange Board of India. The capital markets, securities and commodities in India are regulated and overseen by this regulatory authority.


You must understand a few things concerning SEBI, including its meaning, history and functions, if you plan to invest or make a career in the current Indian stock market. 

What is the meaning and history of SEBI?

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is a regulatory body that was established on 12th April, 1988. It was given statutory powers on 30th January in the year 1992. 


This authority, since 1992, has been responsible for regulating and overseeing the capital market and the entire nation’s securities and commodities markets. The SEBI is owned by GOI, and aims to safeguard the interests of investors, regulate the capital market and create transparency in it. 


SEBI regularly mandates information disclosure and establishes and implements guidelines and regulations in order to ensure that the investor’s rights and interests are protected.


Before SEBI was established, the securities market in the country was subject to a patchwork of regulations, that were inconsistent and ineffective, from different government agencies. However, in 2014, GOI made a decision to hand greater power and regulatory authority to SEBI in order to secure and monitor the capital market all the more. Now with more authoritative power, SEBI can perform seizure and search operations and impose heavy penalties and fines in case of fraudulent activities. These fines can range from mere lakhs to crores. 

What is SEBI’s Organizational Structure?

SEBI consists of the following members:

The first Chairman of SEBI Dr. S.A. Dave was appointed on 10th April, 1988. Madhabi Puri Buch is the current chairperson of SEBI. She is known as the first woman chairperson to lead SEBI. 

What are the Functions of SEBI?

Like we discussed earlier, SEBI basically protects the interest of investors in the share market, promotes the share market’s regulation and development. We can divide the functions of SEBI into three parts:

Protective Functions of SEBI

Through its protective functions, SEBI protects the interest of investors and other financial participants. Let’s discuss these protective functions.

Regulatory Functions of SEBI

SEBI, through its regulatory functions, checks the functioning of the financial business in the Indian securities and commodities market. It establishes rushes to regulate the financial intermediaries and corporations for the market’s efficiency. Let’s discuss SEBI’s regulatory functions below:

Development Functions of SEBI

For the purpose of improving the security through technology, SEBI takes certain development functions. Let’s find out what these development functions of SEBI are:


SEBI is the apex regulatory body for the Indian securities market. The financial market is regulated in India due to SEBI’s surveillance and guidance. SEBI plays a crucial role in ensuring that the traders, investors and companies operate in the market in a legal manner. If you want to become an investment advisor, it is mandatory for you to get SEBI’s RIA license. To obtain this license in a smooth and hassle free manner, you can get in touch with Registrationwala.


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