Is WPC ETA Certification necessary for Smart TVs?


Is WPC ETA Certification necessary for Smart TVs?

Smart TVs work on network connections and require radio frequency waves to function properly. These radio frequency waves allow the Smart TVs to serve as a source of news, entertainment, sports, etc. to the users. However, if the limit of the range of these radio frequency waves gets exceeded, they can prove to be harmful to the users. 


WPC (ETA) Certification or Wireless Planning & Coordination Certification ensures that all the wireless and bluetooth devices comply with the nation’s radio frequency standards. If you plan to sell smart TVs in India, you’ll need WPC ETA Certification since the smart TVs contain wireless functionalities and bluetooth for which this certification is mandatory. 


In this article, we will throw some light on the WPC ETA certification and explain why it is necessary for smart TVs in India. 

What is a Smart TV?

Smart TV is considered to be a new-age technology. It is a television which includes an internal processor and onboard storage and allows for internet connectivity, somewhat similar to a smartphone. 


If you are able to watch Netflix or Amazon Prime on your TV, then your TV is a Smart TV. Smart TVs come with wireless connectivity and bluetooth which require WPC License for wireless products.

What is a WPC ETA Certificate?

The WPC (Wireless Planning & Coordination) ETA (Equipment Type Approval) Certification in India is necessary for wireless products which make use of radio frequencies, such as bluetooth devices and Wi-Fi routers. The WPC-ETA Approval is administered by the Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing of the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) under the Ministry of Communications.


In order to obtain WPC ETA certification, the manufacturers have to submit their products for the purpose of testing and evaluation by an authorized testing agency. Generally, the testing process involves verifying whether the product complies with the technical standards and regulations, including those related to electromagnetic compatibility and radio frequency emissions. 


The manufacturer can only apply for WPC ETA Certification once the testing is done and the product is verified to be compliant. This certification is mandatory for all the wireless products sold in India, and if the manufacturer fails to obtain the certification, he is liable to pay penalties and in some cases, the Indian authorities might even seize his products. Therefore, it is advisable to obtain WPC ETA Certification as soon as possible, so that you can commence your Smart TVs business legitimately.

Role of ETA Certificate in ensuring that the Smart TVs are Safe

WPC ETA certification is necessary for Smart TV-producing companies and manufacturers. WPC ETA certificate obtained for smart TV verifies that the wireless communication and broadband device retrofitted inside the smart TV is in accordance with the regulatory standards set by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) for radio frequency. Foreign companies which are involved in import and distribution of smart TVs in the Indian market must apply and obtain WPC ETA certification with the assistance of an Authorized Indian Representative (AIR) who shall make an application with WPC on the company’s behalf.


This certification is the industry benchmark for quality and safety for wireless products and services which are radio-frequency based. ETA Certification ensures the safety of consumers when they use Smart TVs, since the radio frequency waves are not harmful for them as per the Indian standards. 


Products which feature radio or wireless functionalities, whether they are imported, manufactured or sold in India require the authorization from the WPC Wing of DoT. This authorization is granted in the form of WPC ETA Certification. This certification signifies the quality and safety of the products and ensures they are in compliance with the standards for wireless devices in India. If you need to obtain this certification for your smart TV, you can get in touch with Registrationwala’s WPC ETA consultants. 


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