How to Check CIBIL Score in Phonepe, Paytm and GPay?
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- How to Check CIBIL Score in Phonepe, Paytm and GPay?
How to Check CIBIL Score in Phonepe, Paytm and GPay?
CIBIL's full form is Credit Information Bureau India Limited. CIBIL Score means a 3-digit numeric summary of an individual’s credit history, report, and rating. This score generally ranges from 300 to 900. The closer your credit score is to 900, the better your credit rating is. Ideally, a CIBIL score should be 750 or above. It’ll allow you to become eligible for personal loans and credit cards. In this article, we will guide you on how to check your CIBIL score in Phonepe, Paytm, and GPay.
How to Check CIBIL Score in Phonepe?
Checking CIBIL scores in the Phonepe app is free of cost and is pretty straightforward. Follow these steps if you want to check your CIBIL score on the Phonepe app:
Step 1: Download the PhonePe app from the Play Store and then open it.
Step 2: In the screen’s footer, you’ll be able to see an option called ‘Credit.’
Step 3: Once you click on it, you’ll be taken to a new screen where you can check your CIBIL score.
Step 4: Click on ‘Check Now’ and then select ‘Check Credit Score’ option.
Step 5: You will have to allow PhonePe access to your credit information to fetch your details. To allow, click on ‘Allow Access.’
Step 6: Now, provide full name, PAN and D.O.B.
Step 7: Now, PhonePe will immediately secure your credit history and a score of the number linked to your PAN.
How to Check CIBIL Score in Paytm?
To check your CIBIL score in the Paytm app free of cost, you can follow the steps below:
Step 1: Download the Paytm app from the Play Store and open it.
Step 2: Log into the Paytm mobile app using your phone number.
Step 3: Click on the ‘Loans and Credit Cards’ section in the main menu.
Step 4: Look for the ‘Free Credit Score’ option and then click on it.
Step 5: Your credit card will be displayed on the Paytm app without any cost.
How to Check CIBIL Score in GPay?
By following these simple steps below, you can check your CIBIL score in GPay:
Step 1: Download the Google Pay/GPay app from the Play Store and then open it.
Step 2: Click on “Manage Your Money.”
Step 3: Tap on the “Check your CIBIL score for free” option.
Step 4: Provide your full name, phone number, email ID and PAN.
Step 5: Now, your credit report will be created.
Step 6: Once the credit report is created, you can view your CIBIL score and receive personalized recommendations to improve it.
Which Factors Impact Your CIBIL Score?
Your CIBIL score is impacted by not one but several factors that reflect your creditworthiness and influence your ability and eligibility to get loans or obtain credit cards.
Irregular Payment History: Missing out on making payments for loans or credit cards consistently can reduce your CIBIL score. So, make sure you make payments for your loans and credit cards regularly.
Outstanding or Unpaid Credit Balance: If you are carrying unpaid balance or have overdue payments on a credit account, it’ll negatively impact your credit score. So, make sure you clear all your overdue payments.
Credit Report Remarks: If there are any negative comments in your credit report, such as records of delinquencies or legal action, they’ll harm your score.
Credit Utilization Ratio: Credit Utilization Ratio is the percentage of credit utilized to the credit available to you. Maintaining a CUR below 30% is recommended. If you have a high CUR, it’ll make you look like you’re highly dependent on credit. Lower CUR means you are more likely to obtain loan approval.
In this blog post, we provided you with steps through which you can check your CIBIL score using PhonePe, Paytm, and GPay. All of these apps allow you to check your credit score without any charges. Additionally, we also discussed the factors that can impact your CIBIL score. Make sure to have a high credit score to increase your chances of getting approved for a loan and credit card.
Also Read: Top 7 Credit Rating Agencies in India