Promotion and Incorporation of Company

Private Limited Company

Promotion and Incorporation of Company

Promotion and Company are the two basic formalities that company that need to face when their Business comes into existence. Business or company need to be promoted through marketing strategies. This makes your company public visible in the market. People invest their initial funds are called the promoters of the company.

There are different forms documents prepared by the promoters to make company according to the need of the market. Documents can be Memorandum of association and Article of association. Promoters also have the right to decide whether the company will be private limited company and public limited company.

Memorandum of Association

Following are the charter or constitution that provided in MoA

Article of Association

Following are some of the charter or constitution that provided in AoA

Promoter is mainly a person involved in prelimnary work of the company. It can be renumerated for its services. It has its contract before the formation of the company. Promoters are the nominee or first director of the company. They are also required to work compulsorily in the formation of the company. Professionals such as chartered accountant, solicitor also and they are paid for their service. In India promoters generally secure the management of the company.

Functions performed by the Promoters

Company Incorporation

Company incorporation is a lawful mean forbidden law and contrary to the public policy. Many Companies have Certificate of Incorporation but that does not mean company is lawful. Subscribing names MoA putting their signatures to the memorandum.

Documents to be filed by Registrar

Certificate of Incorporation

After Company Registration, Registrar will issue whereby he certifies that company is incorporated. Date of incorporation mentioned in the Certificate of the incorporation and company becomes capable of all the functions perpetual, common seal etc. It also shows details about the company are separate from its shareholders. Issued by the registrar all the rules compiled within the rule and regulation.

There are many benefits of company registration or incorporation.

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