Online Trademark/Company Search
Search for more than 15 Lacs companies, 40 Lacs Trademarks in all classes registered in India.
Search for more than 15 Lacs companies, 40 Lacs Trademarks in all classes registered in India.
CIN: U80302DL2019NPL356919 |
Search for more than 15 Lacs companies, 40 Lacs Trademarks in all classes registered in India.
In i today’s competitive marketplace, protecting the identity of a business is very important as paves the way for perpetual growth. Not only a trademark awards a kind of distinctiveness to a business, it also helps the clients and buyers to determine the authenticity of a brand.
A trademark can be referred to almost anything in terms of design that helps the buyers to identify the product or brand in the market. Some of the examples are McDonald’s golden arches, the design of Coca-Cola bottle and several others.
When it comes to apply for trademark registration in India, trademark search is the first step. This trademark search in India is an integral step of TM registration and must be conducted in a professional way. The foremost objective behind trademark search in India is to determine possible grounds of conflict with running registered trademarks and existing trademark applications.
At Registrationwala, we carry tremendous expertise in helping our clients conduct trademark search in India. Basis the provided wordmark and trademark class, our trademark registration professionals perform an extensive trademark search to find out all probable areas of conflict and find ways to come over them.
You can count on us to find insightful information about trademarks registered under different classes or look for trademark applications by owner.
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