Apply for Cinematography Copyright in India

To safegaurd your works in Cinematography from theft and plagiarism, you can apply for Cinematography Certification at the Patent Office in India. We recommend you to apply for the Copryright Registration services at Registrationwala. Our trained IPR professionals can get your cinematic artpiece registered with the Patent Office in no time.

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Cinematography Copyright Process

Cinematography Copyright in India

Cinematographic Film

The audio-visual production of moving objects is termed a cinematographic film. While many people are associated with making a cinematographic film, the cinema producer has the copyright over it.

Why copyright a Cinema?

 Copyright ensures the following rights to the producer of the film

  • To make a copy, photograph, or produce it in parts.
  • To sell or resell it, to give it on hire
  • It also ensures that the producer is the only one with the right to take the film to the public. However, the sound recording in the movie is not covered by the movie's copyright.
  • Also, the movie's artists are not protected by the film's copyright. 

Consent of the Literary Work

Moving on, we must remember that a cinematograph film can only be an adaptation of a particular literary work, provided the copyright holder has given his consent. In case the film is being shown at a public event without the copyright holder's consent of the work on which it is based, the movie can be taken off.

Laws relating to Cinematography

Here's another clause pertinent to music and cinematography. Specific law states that once a music creator has decided to share his copyright and consent for his music to be used in the movie, the cinema producer acquires the right to use his music for his film, and the music composer cannot bar him from screening the movie. On the other hand, even the producer does not become the sole owner of the music work, and the composer can continue to benefit from the public performance of his work. 

Censorship and Copyright

Talking about censorship and its effects on copyright- No law states that the copyright will not protect the producer if he fails to abide by the censorship guidelines.

Eligibility Criteria for Cinematography Copyright

Make sure that your cinematography is original. That's the only eligibility criteria to obtain Cinematography Copyright.

Documents Required for Cinematography Copyright

In regard to Cinematography Copyright following documents are needed:

  • NOC of the Producer
  • NOC/Agreement of the Artists involved

Process for Cinematography Copyright

The copyright registration process for cinematography is a long one, and it involves a lot of legal requirements. However, all of that can be compressed into the following points:

Copyright Registration Search 

Perform a copyright registration search to see if the cinematography of the same name, content, and nature is already copyrighted

Copyright Application Filing

File the application for copyright registration along with a copy of the work you want to copyright.

Film Publication in the Movie Journal

Wait for the copyrighted material to be published. It shall stay in the journal for a while.

Grant of Film Copyright Certificate

Once you get the copyright registration, the benefits come then. However, the time it takes for the process to be completed can take even years.

Our Assistance in filing the Cinematography Copyright 

We at Registrationwala provide an end-to-end solution for Cinematography Copyright. Our services include:

  • Collection of information and starting the process
  • Drafting the application
  • Reviewing the draft and making changes if necessary
  • Filing the application for Cinematography Copyright is a leading legal consultancy firm providing comprehensive services relating to Cinematography Copyright.

Contact us to get Cinematography Copyright. 

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