Get ETA Certificate for Import or Manufacture Wireless Equipments in India

Get hassle-free approval from WPC (Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing) for ETA, Network or Non Network, DPL or NDPL Licenses. Get WPC Certificate for import from our consultants

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WPC ETA Certificate Process

Step 1
Equipment Testing
Step 2
Application filing
Step 3
Application assessment
Step 4
Get ETA License

WPC ETA Certificate  in India

What is WPC ETA Certificate?

WPC License, full form, Wireless Planning & Coordination license is the license to import and sell wireless products. Issued by the Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing, a part of the Department of Telecommunication, it's a non-optional license.

There is a rapid increase in the presence of wireless products these days. Even though we are moving towards a self-reliant India, there are some products from foreign lands that cannot always be replaced. We are talking about quality wireless products. Due to these international products, things have become more affordable for a common consumer.  So, if you're a purveyor of wireless products and are looking for a WPC ETA certificate, wait no more.

WPC (Wireless Planning and Coordination) Wing

WPC certificate full form Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing certification is the required authorization for any business individual who seeks to manufacture, import, sell or use wireless Equipment. As such a business owner, you get this Equipment Type Approval  (ETA) from the WPC wing. It's a part of the Department of Telecommunications that oversees Frequency Spectrum Management (FSM). WPC provides approval through ETA, Network or Non-Network, and DPL or NDPL Licenses.

How to get WPC ETA approval in India?

The primary procedure of getting the ETA approval or WPC ETA approval in India differs based on whether the manufacturer is domestic or foreign:

  • Only an Authorized Indian Representative (AIR) can apply for foreign manufacturers.
  • For a domestic manufacturer, ETA is required if the wireless product it manufactures works in delicensed bands. 

Such a requirement makes getting approval a complex process. The application process alone is cumbersome, but when you combine it with the constant vigilance, AIR requirement, and the number of trips required to the department, the prospect of getting a WPC ETA License can be demoralizing.

Registrationwala to your rescue

But that's when our team steps in. Our industry-efficient professionals take up the heavy task of licensing off your hands. We apply for the license registration, maintain constant vigilance, and no matter how many trips to the department it takes, we get you your WPC import license. Through us, you get a WPC NOC certificate in no time. So, look no further if you are planning to deal with using a specific niche of wireless products is important for you. Our WPC certification consultants provide you with the best services for WPC Certification India, lending you a hand as you apply for WPC certificate India.

Eligibility Criteria for WPC ETA License  in India

The products that require WPC Equipment type approval India consist of wireless products. WPC Certificate means a license for wireless products that work in the delicensed bands.

  • Manufacturer of wireless products that work within delicensed bands. 
  • Importers of wireless products that work within delicensed bands.  

WPC ETA products

Thus, the most common products that people are looking to get a WPC character certificate for are as follows:

  • Bluetooth: In the realm of wireless, everyone is aware of Bluetooth. WPC certificate for Bluetooth. It's a wireless way to connect one Equipment to another, and none needs to be telecom equipment. If they don't have the approval, there is a chance that they are working in bands that are meant for something else. In such cases, Bluetooth can create issues for the present radio signals.
  • Drones: Equipment type approval for drones is a new requirement. Two levels of approval are needed here, and WPC ETA for drones is just one part of it. To get a drone's WPC equipment type approval, India has created the same pathway as the rest of the products.

You can consult the ETA certificate search module to know which products require or don't. Our ETA certificate consultants can help you in this regard.

Documents Required for WPC ETA License in India

Following are the documents required to apply for the WPC ETA License:

  • RF Test report from a NABL Accredited lab. 
  • Description of the product.
  • Receipt of the online fee.
  • Letter authorizing our experts to file the application on your behalf.
  • Undertaking that whatever information you've filled in the application is true. It's a type of WPC ETA self-declaration that your product indeed works within the restrictions set by the WPC wing.
  • Certificate of incorporation of your company
  • PAN Card of the company

Process of getting assistance from our WPC ETA Certificate in India

Following are the points that you need to consider before going through the WPC certification process:

  • Know your product: Remember that some equipment has exemptions from ETA. If you don't, many business consultants want to plunge their fraudulent claws into your money.
  • Know your ETA certificate for wireless: Even if your product doesn't come under the products that require the Equipment type approval, WPC has been going through changes. As for the steps involved with obtaining the WPC license in India. They are as follows:
  • Analyzing the RF test report of the product: This is the first step that paves the way for WPC equipment type approval.  The correct your reports are, the higher the chance you will get approval for ETA from WPC. The entire goal of equipment type approval and WPC license is to ensure your product works in unlicensed bands. That's why, through RF testing, you'll know the radio transmission range. Equipment type approval certificate you get after the department knows it too.
  • Preparing the document: Prepare the required documents you must submit for the ETA certificate in India. The correctness of these documents becomes the deciding factor of whether you get WPC-type approval.
  • Submitting the documents online: First, our experts would file the WPC ETA online application and attach the required documents. Don't worry about the correctness of the Equipment Type Approval application form; we have got it handled.
  • Paying the government fee online: To give an Equipment Type Approval certificate, India needs you to be thorough and pay the processing fee.
  • Submitting the hardcopy of the application and the document offline: Once you've submitted the application through WPC ETA login, you'd have to switch gears and take the offline route. The documents and the receipt for the ETA approval (including telecom equipment type approval) have to be submitted offline.

Application Assessment

Once these steps are taken, the department overseeing equipment type approval license takes the below steps:

  • Scrutinize the documents.
  • Verify the documents.
  • Grant you the ETA certificate.

Our Assistance to file the WPC ETA Certificate in India

When it comes to IMDA equipment type approval, our WPC ETA consultant can cover a lot of ground. The WPC certificate format is in such a way that one has to be thorough with what they are looking for. Any metropolitan state in which lies our WPC consultant, Mumbai or Delhi, delivers the best quality of services.

In short, we make things easier for you. So, reach out to us through email or call to know more about anything from ETA certificate validity to other matters.

FAQs About WPC ETA License

Q1. What is a WPC license?

A. WPC License full form is Wireless Planning & Coordination license. It is a license to import and sell wireless products.

Q2. What is the WPC wing for the DoT?

A. Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) Wing certification is the required authorization for any business individual who seeks to manufacture, import, sell or use wireless Equipment.

Q3. From where do businesses get their ETA approval?

A. As such a business owner, you get this Equipment Type Approval  (ETA) from the WPC wing.

Q4. What are the other functions of the WPC wing?

A. WPC is a part of the Department of Telecommunications that oversees Frequency Spectrum Management (FSM). WPC provides approval through ETA, Network or Non-Network, and DPL or NDPL Licenses. 

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