Trademark Application Forms
There are ample Trademark Forms available on the IPR website of the Indian Government. Each one has a specific purpose of its own. Since an array of Trademark forms are available with the same initials, people get confused about which trademark form to apply for a particular registration, certification services, or any other activity.
Also, suppose someone is interested in filing a trademark application with the Registrar of Trademarks. In that case, he can seek help filing the specific application from renowned Trademark experts. Let us first discuss the types of Trademark application forms and their purpose.
How to download a trademark certificate registration form? You can downlaod the trademark registration application sample forms from the service page as an attachment.
Form TM-1: Trademark Registration
The TM-1 application form is used for filing trademark registration for goods or services other than the collective mark or certification trade mark in the Register included in any one of the classes.
Form TM-2: Trademark Registration from a Convention Country
The TM-2 application form is used for registering a trade mark, other than a collective mark or a certification trademark, in the Register from a convention country.
Form TM-13: Trademark Restoration
The TM-13 application form is used for the restoration of a trademark removed from the Register of Trademarks for non-payment of the renewal fee.
Form TM-14: Dissolution of Association between Trademarks
The TM-14 application form is used to dissolve the Association between a registered trademark and the other registered trademark(s).
Form TM-15: Request for Statement of Grounds of Decision
The trademark TM-15 application form is used when the Registrar demands a written statement by the Trademark applicant after the Court’s hearing.
How to download a trademark certificate registration form? You can downlaod the trademark registration application sample forms from the service page as an attachment.
Form TM-16: Request for Correction
The trademark TM-16 application form is used to request a correction of clerical error(s) if any, or for any amendment.
Form TM-18: Filing an Affidavit
The trademark form TM-18 is an application form used for submitting an Affidavit, only to be furnished when required by the Registrar in support of a statement of case filed under Section 40(2) or accompanying a request under rule 68.
Form TM-19: Trademark Renewal
The trademark form TM-19 is an application form used for filing renewal and restoration application of trademark with the Registrar.
Form TM-20: Advertisement Directions
The trademark form TM-20 is an application form used for directions for the advertisement of an assignment of trade marks otherwise that in connection with the goodwill of the business.
Form TM-22: Textile Trademark Registration
The trademark form TM-22 is an application form used for the registration of a textile trademark consisting exclusively of numerals or letters.
Form TM-23: Registration for a Subsequent Proprietor
The trademark form TM-23 is an application form used for making a joint request by the registered proprietor and transferee to register the transferee as subsequent proprietor of trade marks upon the same devolution of title.
Form TM-24: Registration for a Subsequent Proprietor on Title devolution
The trademark form TM-24 is an application form used for making a request to register a subsequent proprietor of a trademark or trademarks upon the same devolution of title.
Form TM-10: Surcharge Payment for Trademark Renewal
The trademark form TM-10 is an application form used for payment of surcharge towards renewal of a trademark, collective mark and certification trademark.
Form TM-12: Collective Trademark Renewal Registration
The trademark form TM-12 is an application form used for the renewal of registration of the trademark, collective mark, and certification trademark.
Improper Trademark Application
Suppose a proprietor makes a trademark application in an improper form. Then, the examiner can raise an objection in the following could be raised by the trademark Examiner:
“The application is made on form TM-1, for certification mark in respect of goods or services falling in a class, the form of the application should be corrected as TM-4 by filing a request on form TM-16.”
You can download trademark certificate registration forms attached to this service page on the Registrationwala website. Registrationwala is a renowned trademark registration agent in India. For any trademark-related queries, you can connect with us.
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Choose the type of compliance to safeguard your business from non-adherence to laws which increases risks of penalties, fines and lawsuits.
Choose the type of certification to ensure customers of your high-quality products and services.
Choose the type of company that you want to register to kick start your business.
Choose the type of license to operate your preferred telecommunication facility .
Choose the type of license for an effortless embarkment on your insurance business.
Choose suitable legal metrological certificate for your product and trade you are dealing in.
Choose the type of license that you want to register for your technology driven finance company.
Choose the type of compliance to safeguard your business from non-adherence to laws which increases risks of penalties, fines and lawsuits.
Choose the type of certification to ensure customers of your high-quality products and services.
Choose the type of company that you want to register to kick start your business.
Choose the type of license to operate your preferred telecommunication facility .
Choose the type of license for an effortless embarkment on your insurance business.
Choose suitable legal metrological certificate for your product and trade you are dealing in.