Name Availability Guidelines

The rules of Companies Act, 2013 define the guidelines for companies for the availability of the name. As per the Act, a name must be approved to start a new company, it must be unique and desirable.

A proposed name for a company should not be similar to the name of an existing company. The following methods can be used to determine is name identical to an existing company:


  • The proposed name should not be a plural of an existing company name. Example - the existing company name is “Aditya Birla Group”, the name “Aditya Birla Groups” is not allowed.
  • Changing the type, letter case, spacing or punctuation mark is not allowed. Example - the name “Aditya Birla Group” is changed to "ADITYA Birla Group” or “AdityaBirla Group” is not allowed.
  • Joining or separating words. Example - “Adi tya Birla Group” or “ADITYABIRLA Group” is not allowed.
  • Different tenses or a number of the same word. Example - “Aditya’s Birla Group” is not allowed.
  • Different phonetic spellings or spelling variations. Example - “Aditya & Birla Group” or “Aditya and Birla Group” is not allowed.
  • Intentionally misspelt words. Example - “Adiyaa Birla Group” is not allowed.
  • Addition of internet-related designation. Example - “Aditya Birla” is not allowed.
  • Addition of common names or cities. Example - “The Aditya Birla Group” is not allowed.
  • Addition of the name of the place. Example - “Aditya Birla India Group” is not allowed.
  • Different combinations of the same words. Example - “Birla Aditya Group” is not allowed.
  • Translation of words. Hindi to English or English to Hindi is not allowed.

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