FSSAI Nomination Form IX Edited


(Form of Nomination - Refer rule 2.5.1)


Being the proprietor or a signatory authorized by the board of directors of the company in terms of Rule 2.5.1 (2), I do hereby gives notice that the following persons(s) is/are nominated as the person(s) in charge of establishment, branch or the unit mentioned against the name of the person(s) and shall be responsible and liable for food safety or any contravention of the Act and rules/regulations or directions issued thereunder in respect of the concerned establishment/branch/unit. The person(s) shall take all such steps as may be necessary to prevent the commission by the Company of any offence under and comply with the provisions of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.

Branch wise/office wise nomination .

Establishment/branch/unit name
1. ___________
2. ___________
3. ___________

Name and Sign of Person i/c
1. ___________
2. ___________
3. ___________


A certified copy of the resolution of the board regarding the authorized signatory, (DATE) is enclosed.


For XYZ Ltd./Private Ltd.

Place: ______

Date: __/__/____


1. Authorized signatory of the company


Place: ____

Date: __/__/____

FSSAI Nomination Form IX

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India or better known as the FSSAI, is a statutory body defined in Indian Legislation. The FSSAI is defined under the Indian Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006. This Act (FSS) of 2006 is the primary law to regulate food products. This Food Authority regulates the food manufacturing, storage, and handling practices of Food Business Operators or FBOs as per the set safety measures.

The FSSAI checks for compliance submitted by these Food Business Operators. And these FBOs follow the regulations and standards as prescribed under the Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006. The Food Authority, i.e., the FSSAI, is administered under the control of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

Objectives of the FSSAI

The main objectives of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India are the following:

  • Establish efficient scientific standards for food articles
  • Regulate manufacturing, storage, distribution, import, and sales of such food items
  • Ensure food quality and safety standards

FSSAI-issued Licenses

FSSAI issues three types of Food License based on the nature of the food business as well as the Turnover:

  • Essential FSSAI Registration: The Turnover for such companies must be less than 12 Lakh rupees
  • State License FSSAI: The Turnover for such companies must be between 12 Lakh and 20 Crore rupees
  • Central License FSSAI: The Turnover for such companies must be above 20 Crore rupees

FSSAI License Number

The Food Authority issues a 14-digit License number to food business operators who are obliged to comply with the rules and regulations under the FSS Act of 2006. The license has been made compulsory so as to overcome the adulteration in the food and poor products.

FSSAI Nomination Form IX

The FSSAI Form IX is a nomination form that the FBOs must submit as a forward to the FSSAI application. The FBO or the owner of the Food Business can nominate an employee to be in charge of the business's establishment or one of its manufacturing units. The nominated person will be responsible for the food safety of the product and any contravention of the FSSAI Act.

However, FSSAI has, by issuing a notification in September 2018, clarified that FSSAI Nomination Form IX is not required for a Proprietorship Firm. A Proprietorship is a business which is owned and controlled by one person. This person possesses the entire Authority and responsibility of the food business.

This FSSAI Sample Nomination Form 9 is available in word format on our website. Do check.

How to fill Form IX FSSAI?

Nomination of Authorized Signatory by FSSAI

What is the form name in which an FBO declares its nominee? That Form is FSSAI Form No. IX. This FSSAI Form No. IX is available in word format on our site.

To simply fill an FSSAI Nomination Form 9, the business has to download the Form as a pdf from the official website. Then, he or she must fill in the required details in the Form before its submission to the Authority. Such details are mentioned in the following points:

  • Name of the Establishment or the branch or the unit
  • Name and Sign of Nominated Person
  • A certified copy of the Board's Resolution regarding the authorized signatory. The date must also be mentioned in the (DD/MM/YYYY) format.
  • Place of form reception and filling.
  • Date of Submission
  • Business Name of the employee
  • Company's Authorized signature

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