A provisional patent is a kind of a temporary patent application which protects the invention of the inventor for a period of 12 months while the invention is in the stage of development and the inventor is preparing to file a non-provisional patent application.
The patent office does not examine the provisional patents but it does provide the inventor a filing date through which he or she can claim priority for his or her application for a non-provisional patent. Once the required documents and researched work are completed, the inventor can file a complete patent application. It is a completely optional step to file a provisional patent application. In case you are at a stage where you have all the details regarding your invention, you can opt for complete specification.
This article will serve as a complete guide about the provisional patent.
Since it is a completely optional step to file a provisional patent application, you must wonder why people feel the need to file it. The reason is, a provisional patent application enables the invention to get protection even before the complete specification is filed. Enormous detailing about the invention is necessary when it comes to drafting a complete specification. Completing the R&D for most inventions is painstaking and can take many months. If one waits to figure out the invention first and then file the complete specification, it can be a very complicated process. Hence, by filing a provisional specification with the invention’s basic details, the inventor can get a priority date fixed. In addition to this, a provisional patent application does not mandate the invention’s claims or diagrams and it is way cheaper to file this kind of application.
After having filed the provisional patent application, the inventor is granted 12 complete months to work on his inventions and decide on the claims upon which the complete specification will be filed. Hence, we can say that a provisional patent application acts as an interim protection to inventors and buys them more time for working on their inventions. An inventor is permitted to do marketing for his invention once the provisional patent application is filed. However, he must label such an invention as ‘Patent Pending’ invention. Marketing the invention would inform the public and the potential competitors that no one is permitted to imitate or attempt to market such an invention since the inventor is already working on it to get it patented by the patent office.
There are many merits of provisional patent application which encourage inventors to file it:
While filing a provisional patent application for your invention, you need to be careful to avoid any mistakes.
The following are the contents of provisional specification:
A provisional patent application is an excellent idea to save costs while protecting your invention or idea. It provides you a period of 12 months to test the invention’s true potential before opting for the full patent procedure.
The major drawback of filing a provisional patent application is that it does not offer protection for any patent on its own. The patent application period ends after 12 months. The inventor will be required to file a non provisional patent application during the period of 12 months if he or she plans to move forward with the patent process.
If the provisional patent application has reached its expiration date and you’ve failed to file a non provisional patent application, the inventor will lose his patent rights. However, a fresh provisional patent application can be filed for the same invention. But, in this case, he or she will not be able to claim priority to the filming date as per his or her original patent application.
A provisional patent application cannot be renewed. It is only a one time filing which comes with a validity of 12 months. Once this period ends, it expires and the inventor is required to file a non provisional patent application if he wants to carry on with the patent process.
The inventor must file a non provisional patent application before the expiration date of provisional patent application i.e., within a period of 12 months from the date on which the provisional patent application was filed. However, he or she can file a non provisional patent application earlier in case he or she has already developed his or her invention and wants to seek patent protection.
Filing an application for a provisional patent is a good idea for those inventors who want to receive a filing date for their invention and have sufficient time to further develop the invention before they file a non provisional patent application. However, it is necessary to note that provisional patent application does not provide protection for the invention on its own. In order to continue with the patent process, you need to file a non-provisional patent application within a period of 12 months from the date the provisional patent application was filed. For assistance in filing a provisional patent application, you can get in touch with the Registrationwala team.
Hey there, I'm Dushyant Sharma. With the extensive knowledge I've gained in past 8 years, I have been creating content on various subjects such as banking, insurance, telecom, and all the important registration and licensing processes for various companies. I'm here to help everyone with my expertise in these areas through my articles.