As on 27 March 2018
Active Delhi RoC-Delhi
GLS STEEL INDIA LIMITED incorporated with MCA on 27 March 2018. The GLS STEEL INDIA LIMITED is listed in the class of Public company and classified as Non-govt company. This company is registered at Registrar of Companies(ROC), Delhi with an Authorized Share Capital of Rs. 100000 and its paid up capital is 100000.
GLS STEEL INDIA LIMITED last Annual General Meeting(AGM) was held on 28 September 2018, and date of latest balance sheet available from Ministry of Corporate Affairs(MCA) is 31 March 2018.
The company has 3 directors/key management personal MAHESH CHANDRA GARG , RAMESH CHANDRA GARG , NITIN GARG GLS STEEL INDIA LIMITED company registration number is 331652 and its Corporate Identification Number(CIN) provided from MCA is U28999DL2018PLC331652.
GLS STEEL INDIA LIMITED company's registered office address is 509, Arunachal Building, Barakhamba Road Connaught Place NEW DELHI New Delhi DL 110001 IN. Find other contact information for GLS STEEL INDIA LIMITED such as Email, Website and more below.
The company has reportedly 0 charges associated and 55 documents available for download.
Current status of GLS STEEL INDIA LIMITED company is Active.
CIN | U28999DL2018PLC331652 |
Company Status | Active |
Registration Number | 331652 |
Date of Incorporation | 27 March 2018 |
Registration State | Delhi |
Company Category | Company limited by Shares |
Company Sub-Category | Non-govt company |
Class of company | Public |
Listing status | Active |
Date of Last Annual General Meeting | |
Date of Latest Balance Sheet |
DIN: 00292437
DIN: 00298129
DIN: 02693146
Name | Date | Status | Amount |
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