Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Who is the Competent Authority for granting Legal Metrology License?
A. For granting the Legal Metrology License, the Controller is the Competent Authority. For obtaining this license, the applicant can submit his application to the Zonal Officer of the concerned district.
Q2. What is Pre-Packed Commodity?
A. Any commodity which is placed in a package without the presence of the purchaser, is of whatever nature so that the product’s quantity contained therein has a predetermined value which cannot be altered unless the package is opened, is a pre-packed commodity.
Q3. Can an individual sell or use unstamped weights and measures?
A. No. Selling, offering, exposing or possessing weights and measures for sale or using or keeping them for use in any transaction or for industrial production or protection is not allowed unless such weights and measures have been verified and stamped by a licensed manufacturer/dealer of weights & measures.
Q4. Is it compulsory to obtain the license for manufacturers/repairers/dealers of any weights and measures?
A. Yes, rule 11 of the Delhi Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules, 2011, makes it mandatory for the manufacturers, repairers and dealers to hold a valid Legal Metrology License before they can manufacture, repair and sell any weight or measure, respectively.
Q5. Is it legal for a dealer to charge more than the Maximum Retail Price (MRP) mentioned on the package?
A. No, it is an offense to overcharge and the dealer can be prosecuted for it.