Legal Metrology Rules for Packaging Commodities-2023

Packer Manufacturer License

Legal Metrology Rules for Packaging Commodities-2023

Legal Metrology Packaging Manufactured Commodities Rules

Every holder of a Manufacturing License in India must conform to the Legal Metrology Packaging Commodities rules specified in the LM Act. To engage in the business of being a manufacturer or a packer, the applicant must acquire a competent license from the Metrology Authority.

Gaining a Manufacturing Certificate from the Department of Legal Metrology does not necessitate your fate to run the business as per your terms. You must adhere to the guidelines specified in the LMPC regulations to function smoothly in the market. 

In this article, we have detailed some of the declarations that must be made on the package’s container or the label affixed on the container detailing the dimensions, as well as the weights and measurement units of each quantity. Let us look at them one by one. 

Dimensions Declarations about certain Commodities

If a commodity package contains any of the following, then the number and the dimensions of the finished units of such packaged commodities must be declared on the package, or the label must be affixed to the package:

Dimensions and Retail Price Declaration 

It is noteworthy that each of the packages must contain more than one piece of different dimensions. Also, the commodity package must obtain a declaration for the following:

Also, the packer manufacturer must mark the dimensions of the commodities as well as the sale price of each piece.

Dimensions and Weight Declaration on the Commodity Package

The dimensions and weight, or their combination for a commodity, must be related to its price. Also, the quantity declaration on the packaged commodity must include a declaration regarding the dimensions, weight or combination.

Declarations about the Number of Usable Sheets

If a package contains usable sheets like any of the following, then the quantity declaration on the package must include a statement as to the usable sheets numbers contained in that commodity package, in addition to stating the dimensions of each Sheet:

Declarations regarding the Container’s dimensions

The packaged commodities must be packed in bags, boxes, cups, pans or other designs and sold in retail trade for use as containers for other objects. Such packaged entities must be labeled with the quantity declarations, such as:

(i) Bag-type Commodities: It will include the number of bags the package contains. The declaration must also include the linear dimensions of the bags. It can be packaged in a perforated roll.

(ii) For containers shaped in the following manner, the number of containers the package contains must declare the length, width, and depth of the Container:

(iii) Circular and round-shaped containers, excluding the cups or the number of commodities contained in the package, must be followed by the diameter and depth of the Container

(iv) For the use of the Container is related by label references affixed on it. The manufacturer must include the standard weight/measure as per the capability of the Container to hold a specific quantity or a class of commodities in the quantity declaration.

To know more about the LMPC regulations for stating declarations on a container or the affixed label on the container, connect with the Legal Metrology experts at Registrationwala.




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