What is NBFC-P2P Lending Platform?

NBFC Registration

What is NBFC-P2P Lending Platform?

An NBFC-P2P lending platform serves as a digital marketplace for participants involved in peer-to-peer lending. It is a class of NBFC recognized by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). If you want to learn about what an NBFC-P2P lending platform is, go through this entire article. 

Meaning of NBFC P2P Lending Platform

NBFC P2P is a NBFC class for non-banking institutions engaged in the peer-to-peer lending business. All the NBFCs in India are regulated by the Reserve Bank of India, including NBFC P2P. In 2017, the NBFC regulator issued guidelines to regulate the expanding P2P lending space in the country. 


P2P lending refers to borrowing and lending money through an online marketplace. By using the P2P lending facility, an individual can obtain a loan directly from another individual, cutting out the financial institution as an intermediary. P2P lending is also called social lending or crowd lending. 


Platforms like Lendbox, Mobikwik Xtra, Finzy, Credit Mint, Fello, i2i Funding, and LenDen Club are some examples of P2P lending platforms in India.

What are NBFC Peer-to-Peer Lending Advantages?

By participating in the P2P lending platform, the borrowers and lenders can avail certain advantages. All the key advantages are discussed below:

P2P Lending Advantages for Borrowers

Let’s discuss the advantages of the P2P lending platform for the borrowers first.

P2P Lending Advantages for Lenders

Now, let’s discuss the advantages of peer-to-peer lending NBFC platforms for lenders.

What are the Risks Associated with NBFC P2P Lending Platforms?

There are numerous advantages of NBFC P2P lending. However, with every good thing comes certain drawbacks. Let’s check out the risks associated with NBFC P2P lending platforms.

What are the Tax Implications of NBFC P2P Lending?

Many people are not unaware of the tax implications of P2P lending, as it is a relatively new concept. We have stated the tax implications for the lenders in the points below:


NBFC peer-to-peer lending platforms are the new-age alternatives to traditional bank loans. These platforms come with many advantages, such as easy access to funding for borrowers and higher returns for lenders. However, there are also certain risks associated with these platforms, such as credit risk and liquidity risk. If you want to open an NBFC in India, obtaining an NBFC license from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is mandatory. If you want assistance in obtaining this license, connect with Registrationwala’s NBFC consultants. We would be happy to serve you!

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