The steps for Logo Registration in India
- February 09, 2022
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- The steps for Logo Registration in India
The steps for Logo Registration in India
Logo Registration in India has started to gain steam once people realize that it is not the word-mark they need to protect, but also the design. It has therefore created long queues on the trademark registration website. However, the problem is, not all of them will be able to obtain their trademark logo registration certificate- and it is all because they lack the knowledge to proceed. Therefore, in this article, we clarify to you in great detail, the steps to register a logo in India.
Is logo Registration as important as Word-mark registration?
One concept that people find puzzling is the need to register a logo. While it is the right decision to safeguard a logo trademark, the protection it provides is narrow. However, despite that, most business holders are concerned with registering the device – the logo – of their brand as much as they are about their wordmark.
Is such worry justified?
Yes, and the reasons are as follows:
- A logo can penetrate the psyche much more than a word.
- Because of that penetration, a logo can become a memorable brand much earlier than a wordmark.
Now that you know the psychological impact of getting the logo registration online, let us now discuss its process.
How to register a logo trademark in India?
Here are the steps of the Logo Registration Process:
Codifying the logo
The system is not intelligent enough to understand the nature of your logo by just the image. You must implement Vienna Codification to codify
it first. Logo codification will help you turn the image into a series of numbers that you can then use to take care of the next step.
Conduct a logo trademark search
Once you have the code format for the logo, start conducting a trademark search. It is the process by which you verify whether the logo you want to register is unique. If it is not, you will need to design a different logo. Otherwise, you can proceed with the next step.
Describe the logo in words
Reach out to a content specialist and turn the code into words. Give your logo a description that the Registrar of Trademark can process easily.
Fill out the application for trademark registration
Go online to the Intellectual Property Rights portal and fill out the application form for trademark registration. To ensure that no errors are committed during the process, don’t be afraid to reach out to a consultant.
Assessment of the application
The Registrar of trademarks will start scrutinizing the application form and the documents you have provided. They conduct a multi-tier assessment to ensure that your logo is unique and doesn’t violate the trademark rights of another.
Advertisement of the logo
If the logo meets all the requirements that the Registrar of Trademark looks for in a unique brand device, it will get advertised in the trademark journal. Otherwise, you will face trademark objection – after which you must file a reply to get your trademark advertised.
During publication, your logo will stay in the journal for four months. If no opponent rises against it during that time, by the end of the 120 days, you will receive a trademark registration certificate. Otherwise, your mark will get embroiled in a long series of oppositions, counter statements and hearings.
Tips for timely Company Logo Registration
Time is of the essence when trademark registration is your primary motive. Therefore, you must take the following tips to heart when engaging with the logo registration process:
- Invest a good amount of time researching the uniqueness of your trademark
- Conduct a fragmented trademark search – taking parts of your logo to see if those are unique.
- Always undertake the logo registration process under the supervision of the trademark attorney.
The trademark registration space is like a legal minefield – making sense to only those who have visited it before. Therefore, always be forthcoming about your requirements and don’t be afraid of asking for help from the experts.