Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is company registration number in India?
A. Company registration number or Company Incorporation Number (CIN) it is the unique identification number of the company.
Q. How to check company registration number?
A. To check company registration, you can enter the name of the company in the incorporation portal in India.
Q. In which company registration of article of association is optional?
A. Article of Association is a critical component of company registration in India. Therefore, there is no instance where this document is optional. You must provide the Registrar of Companies with this document in order to incorporate your company.
Q. How to check company name availability in India?
A. For company registration check in India, you must write down the name of the company on MCA company search portal or Registrationwala’s official company search platform.
Q. How to check company registration in India?
A. To check company registration, online methodology can be implemented. You can either use our company registration agency or the official MCA portal.
Q. Who provides registration certificate to the company?
A. The registration certificate to the company is provided by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs via the online mode.
Q. What is DSC in company registration?
A. DSC is the Digital Signature certificate; a document critical to the company incorporation process when it is conducted online.
Q. How many minimum members required for registration of public company?
A. To register a public company, a minimum of seven members are required.
Q. How to check company registration status?
A. Just enter the name of the company in our company search portal and you will get the information about whether a company is registered or not.
Q. How to cancel company registration?
A. To cancel company registration, you must apply for company strike-off. The process is as follows:
- Get the approval of the board and the creditors to strike off the company
- Fill out the application for company strike off
- The ROC will issue a notice of the same
- Publication of company dissolution
- Passing the order of company dissolution
- Cancellation of company registration
Q. What is OPC company registration?
A. OPC company registration is the incorporation of a One Person Company; a business entity that only entails one director.
Q. How to register a company name in India?
A. The online company formation applicant must choose a name and run it on the MCA RUN application to check whether the chosen name is unprecedented or not.