Get access service authorization for UL VNO

As per the directions of the Department of Telecommunication, you're required to obtain access service authorization for your UL VNO to provide certain services including voice. Registrationwala can help you obtain access service authorization by providing you end to end services.

Want to know More ?

Access Service License Process

Step 1
Step 2
Application filing
Step 3
Application Assessment
Step 4
Grant of Authorization

What is Access Service License in India?

As per the directions of the Department of Telecommunication, you're required to obtain access service authorization for your UL VNO to provide certain services including voice. It's an additional guideline that was added later on to the already present guidelines of UL VNO Operation. Simply put, it's a required authorization if you want to expand the region of your services without the need of starting another category of VNO. 

Registrationwala can assist you in getting the Access Service Authorization with the aid of our experience and experts. 

Eligibility Criteria of Access Service License in India

Only those applicants who are the present holders of UL VNO category B license are eligible for access service license

Documents required for Access Service License in India

  1. Certificate of Incorporation
  2. Memorandum of Association
  3. Articles of Association
  4. Networth Certificate
  5. Equity details
  6. List of directors of the company


Process of obtaining the Access Service License in India

Following is the procedure you need to follow to obtain Access Service License

  • Fill the application form
  • Submit the application form along with the requisite documents
  • Wait for the DOT's assessment of your application
  • Obtain the Access Service Authorization

Our Assistance to file the Access Service License in india

Our experts know the terrain on which you have to walk on to get Access Service License License. As India’s leading telecom experts, we understand the big (and small) details that you need to take into account when applying for Access Service License. That’s why, to the process easier for you.

  • To take the whole responsibility of filing your application.
  • Our In house chartered accountants shall issue you the Net worth certificate.
  • Once the application is filed, we conduct a follow up to expedite the Access Service License licensing process.

Our end to end business solutions for Access Service License and other such regulatory requirements and second to none. Reach out to us now so that we can get you ahead of line and initiate the licensing process right away.


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